Aug 23, 2008 18:38
This morning I got up way to late to walk (well 9am but still). As of now I am really glad I didn't walk. _~_ First up I got ready and called my grandma inviting her out to lunch/breakfast. I told her I would be there around 11am. I also messaged and called Ingrid to join us.
For the next hour I spent time online and trying to update my new pocket photo frame. I finally had the pictures in there and it didn't sync. I had to reload the program, which meant I had to start over with the pictures. -_- So I put on about ¼ of the pictures I had originally put on it and got headed out around 11:30.
First I picked up grandma then I picked up Ingrid and her kids. I helped Ingrid out with some problems on her computer and downloaded (and watched) the Twilight trailer (I finished the first book last night). All I can say is that I am excited. :D
Next we headed to Stuffy's for breakfast/lunch. I was disappointed that Jesse hasn't been there the last few times I have been in. My other favorite waiter was there but he seems to work the other section now and is never in mine. Their Belgian waffle machine was still broken so I went with the burger and fries.
After lunch I dropped grandma off and then took Ingrid home. The plan was to drop off the boys then head to the Unique Tin car show. Ingrid had dressed up like a 50's pinup girl in response to a jealous comment Craig made to her.
Originally we had planned to drive there, but INGRID wanted to ride bikes. Somehow she talked me into it. She was disappointed when I didn't choose one of the "twins" and instead opted for the Jeep. Naturally she took Captain Cruiser. :D
On our way out Butt-dan called K-dog a major butt. So I said "What does that make you? Captain Pain in the Ass?" He got a laugh out of that so now (with a little rearranging) I call them K-dog = Major Pain and Butt-Dan = Captain Butt. :D
Near Death Experience
We set out on the bikes and it took me a minute to get situated. I haven't ridden a bike YEARS!! I was off in no time and back in the swing of riding even quicker. However, I am not a strapping young boy and the settings on the bike nearly killed me. I kid you not I was about to pass out by the time we got to Jack in the box only about 10 blocks away. I couldn't even cross in time for the light so I just waited for the next one. I would need it anyway.
Ingrid was upset that I missed the light but waited patiently. When I got to the other side Ingrid messed with the settings a little to help ease the ride. I didn't notice really because my legs are strong enough to propel the bike my heart just can't keep up. After adjusting it twice and more than one break we were finally there. Naturally after all that the car show didn't want to let us in with the bikes. -_ - Ingrid convinced them anyway and I was ready to fight to keep that right if someone else questioned it.
Car Show
Ingrid locked up the bikes to the fence and I headed to get some water. Thank God I had worn my Chiefs running shirt instead of something new or that I didn't want to get dirty. I was sweating profusely and my face was stinging. -_- I guess it wasn't 100% smart to wear black jeans either but they actually didn't bother me as much as one might have thought.
I managed to get the last bottle of water from the snow cone booth so I got a snow cone as well. I found shade across the drive where the cars were parked and slowly finished my ice. It was so poorly flavored that I just ended up pouring my water in a little at a time to keep it cold.
Ingrid caught up with some friends and it gave me time to rest. I finished the water and ice then got another water from the booth I was standing next to. After I got the second water I was ready to go again. Before leaving the booth though I found two more gemstone bracelets just like he ones I love. I couldn't resist picking them up (one is green and the other pink).
It was just about that time that the Pinup Girl contest started. Clearly Ingrid could have won but WHATEVA. Her friend Dave even encouraged her, but she wouldn't have it.
I came up between them (Ingrid on my left and Dave on my right). Dave asked Ingrid if she had told me that he hits women (as a joke). I was kind of busy taking pictures so I didn't change my position but just said "That's okay, I hit back." ^_^ Ingrid followed up with "She does too!" Dave then joked about that being kinky and made a comment about spanking being involved. I am sure from my lack of reply he thought I was being prudish… I just didn't have a good response. Oh well.
I took pictures of the pinup contest and Ingrid was disappointed when she found out first place was $300. Clearly we have a contender for next year. :D Dave parted ways with us after the contest and as we headed toward the cars we ran into my mom's friend from high school Cherl. Ingrid said she recognized her from the tattoo. O_o It was nice to talk with her again. :D
After that we walked around the to look at the cars. Almost the first one we came upon was (and I kid you not.. I even included pictures for proof) a chia car. Quite literally someone had grown grass on their VW beetle. It was more than amusing. Ingrid commented that she wouldn't want to have to mow her car too. ^_^
Next up I found (for the first time ever for me) an RX-8. :D It was after this that I decided to see just how many people would be willing to let Ingrid pose in or on their car for pictures. ^_^ It was very amusing. The first guy we came to was really excited about it. ^_^ I think we found a grand total of about 7 people who let us take pictures of Ingrid and their cars. We even got a few without permission (like the Rainer Beer Roadster). :D
It was soon getting late and so we headed back to the expo center (I nearly laugh calling it that… it's hardly a center). We found bathrooms and water fountains there to refill the water bottles we had. Ingrid wanted to stop by the beer garden to get a beer before leaving so I also got water.
Around 4:30 we headed out. Ingrid unlocked the bikes and I got a picture of her on Captain Cruiser before leaving. I also kiped some My Coke Rewards from the recycle bin (to which Ingrid was overly embarrassed). I don't care it wasn't like dove in or anything they were right on top!!
Heading Home
So the ride back was just about as perilous. I didn't go far before having to rest again. The settings were better this time but I had already ridden over there, walked all over and now was riding back (I don't know the distance but I will relate it when I find out). To top it off I was now sweaty and sticking to everything I was wearing. Then my pants leg kept catching on the bike. I was sure I was in for another bike wreck!
Thankfully we made it safely back to her house. That is not without me stopping by the college to catch my breath and calm my heart down. _~_ Ingrid had gone a head of me too. I dropped off the bike rested in front of her fan for a few minutes then headed home.
At home I took a COLD shower for quite a while so I could cool off. I griped a lot about the ride but in the end I am glad we went. I really did like it. :D
daily life