- 3 wisdom

Feb 02, 2009 11:27

To keep things short, it all went better than I have been warned. No apparently bad complications: no jaw fracture, no opening into sinus cavity and no additional damage to other teeth. On the other hand, the jaw bone had to be drilled, gum slitted and therefore I have had to contend with liquid (and now soft) diet for some time. The seams are to be removed this wednesday, and then I will know what has to be done next, and when. Hopefully, sooner, than later.

Complete anaesthesia went very smoothly, except for the usual trouble of catheter insertion (and several misses). As my upper arm experienced numbness and imaginary swelling instincts have tried to fight it with panic and adrenaline. I tried to calm down and in a couple of breaths switched off. It is strange... but I think I had a dream there. I don't remember it, but the feeling of a dream was very clear and strong.

And now, back to slow mo...
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