Mar 31, 2004 01:24
I started bleeding again as I was washing my face
my own face doesn't like me
I got my first taste of blood... and I liked it...
a little salty though, maybe I should take in more sugar
no berkeley, I'm relieved
my mom was all excited today...
didn't get in, oh well, we'll live
it's almost time to make a decision
I don't think I trust my mom...
she changes her mind every time she hears something
and then passes it on to me without even letting it go through her brain
I guess I'll have to make my own decision
but damn, who'll I blame if I get it wrong?
april 17, visiting ucsd
I bet my mom's gonna be jumping up and down for ucsd after that
another thing...
I had no clue what I was doing in physics class
I had no clue what I was writing about in english class (although half the class wrote about the metamorphosis so I can't be too far off...)
I had no clue what I was doing when I went to calc
I had no clue what they were talking about in calc...
and I had, and still have, absolutely no clue of how to deal with the non-academic issues
and oh by the way...
does the grade really all depend on the student?
does the quality of the teacher reflect nothing upon the grades?
doesn't the 68% class average mean that the teacher should change something?
hmm... I dunno, just a thought from a random, good for nothing student
last but not least...
cheaters suck
trying to get ahead with immoral means
maybe it's just cuz of chen water flat but I really hate cheaters now
especially when it's so painfully obvious
but none of the people who can do anything about it cares
if you can't beat them, join them
that seems to be the slogan of today...
and that is truly depressing