Jun 30, 2014 22:24
It's kind of funny, because there are so many times that I will compose a blog entry in my head. Something will happen, I'll think of how I would describe it, and then the time to write it out just never comes. Today isn't like that. I don't have anything I really want to write about. Things are happening, some good, some bad, possibly all post-worthy. But none of them are leaping to the front begging to be documented.
I just want to record that right now, in this moment, I have this wonderful feeling of satisfaction. With where I am, who I am, what I'm doing, where I'm going. The things that need work will get the attention they require, the things that should be appreciated are. I have an amazing family of choice, a number of children that feels complete, and friends that step up when it counts.
And now I shall toast this feeling with some Cookie & Cocoa Swirl from Trader Joe's on graham crackers, and then mix up colors for tomorrow's tie dye adventure. Life really is quite good.