Jul 07, 2005 19:24
Bla bored. My birthday was fun =) wednesday i was out with Vikki and Heather, and me and Vikki got steamin and stayed at mine, and pranced around in funny shirts. Thursday i met Stu, Jamie and there friends, and Alana, John and Siobhan and we went to jekkyl n hides or somethin, never been there before =S and i was STEAMIN cos stu made me a drink with mixes of everyone elses drink in it lol. Then friday it was Vikkis mums weddin and me vikki and kenny got SO stoned and me and kenny never slept at all then went out and got steamin on saturday, Went to the mission and stayed at Maris =) I hate workin!! I wish i'd never got a fuckin stupid job! ooh, accept they might be hiring a hot polish lesbian =D score. Been at Vikkis the last couple of nights attemptin to get steamin but we couldnt really be arsed lol Was fun tho! <3. BORED!