May 29, 2008 00:08
My writing is atrocious. Really, absolutely. Being without a computer yesterday because the battery died and having a night in dedicated to working meant going caveman style.
Pen. Paper. *shudder*
I do plan things out on paper, make notes, I have special pens for different parts of process - I am a geek. I have a special red pen which I attach way too much significance to and will have to give up writing altogether when it runs out to become a waitress who sings on bar-tops instead.
I can't write prose ye Olde Way. Dialogue, scene plans, research, characters notes - I prefer on the page. But prose? I write too fast and do too much jiggery-pokery crap to make anything ink-written look like anything other than a complete and total state.
I started a fic night before last when the buggered cable was still mildly working and was dying to continue it last night. Since it wasn't going to happen I tried to get together with some people but everyone's working/tired/boring. I tried going for a walk to clear my mind but when I came back I just held the lifeless laptop in the dark - only for several minutes. It's not like I'm pathetic or anything.
So what am I trying to do now? Decipher the crap that I've written. Sigh. I'll just give up and write a saucy McGonagall/Ron fic instead.
technical difficulties,