Apr 16, 2011 16:40
Below is the letter I sent to my sister. She was supposed to come babysit for me this week while Jessica was on Spring Break. She texted me today, I was going to get her in the morning, that she couldn't.
I'm over it. I will not be hurt by you again. I have to send my child away for a week now because of you. I have to explain to her that her aunt she was excited to play with this week would rather stay and party in the hood. Do NOT try to tell me it's over an appointment. Those can be rescheduled.
You are doing what you always do. You avoid responsiblity and only care about doing things that make you feel good.
The people you're choosing to party with instead of visiting your family and helping me out, don't love you. I'm the LAST person in this world that actually knew you and still loved you despite your many faults.
I asked one thing of you, just one. I've helped you out of I don't know how many abusive situations, helped you get jobs, even helped you get disability. You can't do one thing for me.
I was thinking that maybe now that you steady income you could finally get on your feet. No. You're never going to be the wonderful woman you could have been.
You are a permavictim. It's a phrase I coined for you years ago. You always play the victim and feed off the sympathy of others. Teachers and men and such. Whoever foolishly believes your bs. To make it worse, you have dumbed yourself down for so many years to fit in with these morons that you lost the intelligence that came natural to you. Intelligence needs to be nurtured to live. Instead you smothered yours.
We grew up in the same house, were abused by the same people. I didn't grow up to be a drugged out whore living off the sympathy of others until the system finally took pity on me, what's your excuse?
Have you noticed you haven't mentally aged since you ran away from home as a child? That's one of things I pointed out to the state so yay, that helped you leach off the system.
If you ever grow up, get back in touch with me. Do NOT contact me to help you out of any situation ever again. The boys gave up on you before Jason ever came back into the family. I've kept that knowledge from you but why bother anymore. I was the last family you had left and you blew it.
I wish nothing but the best for you and hope that you'll mature some day. I'm over waiting on it and being disappointed in you.