May 01, 2009 12:10
Are all men bad with money? Maybe most men? Surely not just mine.
For yeeeears I asked my hubby to make a budget. Everytime I did it myself, he ignored it. So a year ago I opened my own account and took over my bill's and my daughter's, clothing, and such.
Yet again, he's overdrawn our joint account. So, I've had to take $200 out of mine and put it in "ours" even though I never use it. I'm going to take my name off of it today when I deposit my check. There's no way I'm going to let him mess up my credit, again.
What ticks me off is I'm betting the phone and TV are behind now too so I'm sure I'll be contributing to those as well. I had been saving up money to go to TN this summer. I think he keeps me broke to keep me here.
He pays our car insurance, most of the food, TV, his credit cards, and phones. His car is paid off and I go grocery shopping as well. He usually pays when we all go out to eat as a family.
I pay for student loans, my car, my eye surgery, jessica's lunches and morning school, all her tball needs, life insurance, and my 1 credit card that I keep paid off. Yesterday, I bought my foster mom some flowers for mother's day on it so I need to pay it off again this month.
It's all just so frustrating! I keep money off my checkbook so I know I'll never overdraw. It's usually $100 or more that I know is there but I don't touch or get near. I had $400 saved up that way until today. I usually budget so well I can get a pedicure once or twice a month and buy a new shirt or book or cd. I'm not a material person. I don't need much to be happy. My books are my guitly pleasure and I think all knowledge is worth having.
I don't ask him how much he makes, I don't nag him about the bills he's supposed to pay, I don't check behind him. I don't want to be a bitch.
I need to see if I can go see Mom for Mother's day. Time to look at what will be due then and what else I'm going to have to pay for him. lol I wonder if this Mother's Day will be like the the last 5. God, I hope not! At least Jessica is in school so she'll make me a card!!! Yay school!
Oh! Jessica has her first Tball game this weekend!!! While I have to work :( I will make sure he takes lots of pictures. She's so freaking cute in her uniform!!!
See there's always somethign to be happy about if you look ;)