Oct 27, 2004 13:59
well... what's new?! nothing too exciting, for me anyways. i talked to my favorite people in the world the other day.. tricia & desi. when tricia called, i told her i was pregnant. i knew there was an "i'm not ready" somewhere to be found. it was a joke. we decided to pass the joke along to desi...not realizing that her heart and tears couldn't take it. i had her going. SIDE NOTE: i was very proud of myself for not ruining the joke - i have a tendency to ruin them. i asked desi to call tricia and tell her... i'm such a coward. i feel terrible for involving desi in my evil doings. but all is said and done and I AM NOT PREGNANT, NOT TODAY NOT TOMORROW.. NOT FOR A FEW MORE (days at least - just kidding) YEARS!!
i have gotten my butt chewed and spit out for not updating emilie's lj. it's a hard task keeping up with two journals let alone three... good heavens. i hardly have time for this one let alone hers. anyhow, i'll update you on her. she's growing - constantly - and she's preparing for her first pagan holiday! haha. i searched high and low for an out of this world adorable costume and didn't find anything in time. i found a couple cute costumes on the internet but delivery was going to be 3-4 weeks... and we didn't have that kind of time. DON'T FRET! however, i did buy her this adorable little pink fluzzy (fluffy/fuzzy) lamb jacketsuit (don't ask me what the technical term would be) with a hoodie and little ears. i figured that is just as cute as anything i would have paid $40 for. jason and i have decided that she looks like a little ewok (from star wars)..just a girlie one. emilie is getting her first tooth soon. the pits have been there for awhile but now i can see and feel a tooth coming in on the bottom. it hasn't started to bother her yet, but i'm waiting! i'm armed with baby orajel and teething rings out the wazoo! i've got a special little soothing toothpastie stuff with a brush that you use to rub on the gums... i'm ready! she's growing up. we tried the rice cereal...that didn't go as planned. she's still not sure if she likes it or not. i'm going to mix the cereal with some apple juice so it's thicker and more of a taste. she's definitely mine.. she's gonna be a food lover! she follows me with her eyes, when i've got food in my hands. she's a lil oinker! haha!
i'm going to clean up the kitchen while i've got the time. we're going over to natalie & rusty's house for chili..!