
Feb 23, 2010 18:59

I'm stoked off of life!! I don't remember the last time I was this happy!

The new job is going well. It has been a challenge learning everything but I feel like I'm gradually getting the hang of it. I learn something new everyday and stay positive no matter what.. I believe this is the key to happiness... positive thinking. I also have felt very intimidated at this job because everything is so complicated... but I've stuck it out and now I'm feeling a lot more comfortable. I deal with chapter 13 bankruptcy cases which means the clients I'm working with own property & cars that we try to help them save. the chapter 13 takes all of their debt and puts it into one big lump sum that they pay monthly. Since they've filed bankruptcy, it is then illegal for creditors to harass them. Anyway, my main tasks at work are to file important bankruptcy documents with court, assist needy clients on the phone by answering their questions and helping them with plan modifications, and a lot of other random shit. There is so much work for me to do all the time that the days go by real fast and I'm never bored!! It's all very interesting to me & I'm hella glad I've decided to work in the legal field. Who knows where this will take me!!

I made quite a few changes in my life recently and I pat myself on the back for doing so. I decided to break up with Chris because I wasn't happy anymore. I learned so much from that relationship that I will forever be grateful that it happened. I am now even more aware of what I want in a boyfriend. In the past, I never cared about certain qualities which are important in a boyfriend. I didn't pay attention to those things because I was just having fun. Instant gratification.. aint it a bitch!? I also rushed into my last two relationships. I don't know why I made the same mistake twice. I always just wanted someone to call my own I guess.. scared of being alone. codependent? maybe. idk. All i know is I'm much happier now. Being single can be lonely at times but I'm able to be MYSELF. Most of my energy is focused on ME now! I've gone on a few dates and had fun with it. It's now time to really buckle down and find a guy that encompasses all of the qualities I feel are important in a boyfriend. I already have a school girl crush on a guy that I've known for a while. I plan on taking things slow with him. Hopefully we will date for a few months and then I can really get to know him before we make anything official. It's such a safer route. What ever happened to dating, anyway? So many people I know become boyfriend/girlfriend right after they meet one another. I'm excited to approach my future relationships from a different standpoint. Here is a website that I've been reading.. you might find it interesting as well...

check em' out. I know they're for married couples but whatevs!
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