I was only in New Orleans for 5 days
i feel like i was there forever
and at the same time i feel like i wasnt there long enough
when i left, i was sad it was almost like leaving a new home
every minute of the trip was amazing
i laughed i cried i ached
but everything was worth it.
we stayed in westbank
which for the most part was untouched
by katrina
we were split up into 2 groups GUMBY AND POKEY
i was on pokey but our team was anything but "pokey"
^Stacey and Patricks Just redone bathroom.
^ new hardwood floors
^ Bryce looking at the remains of his neighborhood
Stacey and Patricks house was the first house we did.
we gutted the whole thing ceiling and all .
all that was left was boards to hold it up.
since katrina they have been living in a one roomed apartment
with 3 kids
they had a small christmas so we gave them some presents
and had ice cream
While we were working at stacey's the red cross truck would come by
across the street from stacey we met a guy named steve
we decided to help him too
i sort of became ammune to seeing things like this..
^this house was ripped right off of its foundation and placed in the middle of the street.
all my girlyness went away
getting down in the dirt indeed i did.
it felt good to help someone out
i had a really nice time even if i have bruises and cuts
blahh i miss it already.