May 02, 2006 11:04
Wrldpeace911: wow i can't believe we're talking this in depth about chapstick
Wrldpeace911: anyways...
SublimeLunacy: bryan makes it
SublimeLunacy: it's good
Wrldpeace911: i'm gonna go back to getting readyyy
SublimeLunacy: i told him he should sell it
Wrldpeace911: what bryan makes chapstick?
SublimeLunacy: yeah
SublimeLunacy: he makes it at the house
Wrldpeace911: that's the funniest thing i've heard
Wrldpeace911: what the hell...
SublimeLunacy: nobody ever believe me and then they all laugh when i tell them
Wrldpeace911: who makes fucking chapstick
SublimeLunacy: and then he is like yeah i make chapstick
Wrldpeace911: hahahahhaa
Wrldpeace911: lol
Wrldpeace911: what a skill..
SublimeLunacy: yeah you know
Wrldpeace911: where the shit did he learn how to make chapstick...and why..
SublimeLunacy: i have no idea
SublimeLunacy: he broke down burts bees one day and like made it better
Wrldpeace911: wow
Wrldpeace911: i'm impressed.
SublimeLunacy: yeah