moments that stick!!

Jan 17, 2006 13:34

i guess do to the reason that i had such a long span of not posting anything, that everyone forgot that i was still here, thats ok. i didnt think i would be getting much replys with all the depressing posts i've been putting up, however, sometimes its nice just to know that there are still people out there who do give a shit reguardless.
i was sitting infront of the computer yesterday, and in the mists of playing EQ, my mind started wandering as i was waiting for my health to regenerate. i started thinking about moments that had taken place that could put my pissiest mood into LOL hyper drive. like the other day, i was upset about something and tried to sit in the bedroom and calm myself down, i put in my black eye peas cd, and got to a song that i remember one of my co-workers from tribar dancing to. one thing i know about gay guys, they can always make you laugh. course he's not your typical lisp, fairie talk gay, he's just funny. thats like one of the very, very few things that has been getting me through this shithole of a time i'm going through, thinking of stuff that ust to cheer me up. course then i ask myself, is there a remedy for crying myself to sleep? btw, if there's anyone who's been trying to get ahold of me but cant, its cause my fucken phone got turned off again. soon as i can, i'm switching over to verison. but thats it for now. c-yaz laters.
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