Suits/Avengers xover of joy

Feb 16, 2012 22:16

I very rarely rec WIPs, but I thought it was a CRYING SHAME that I hadn't heard about this story until I just stumbled across it tonight.  So, I am spreading the word about the UTTERLY GLORIOUS Suits/Avengers xover wherein Pepper makes Tony hire a replacement PA now that she's, you know, too busy being CEO to pick up Tony's dry cleaning, and Mike turns right instead of left when he's hiding out from the cops in the hotel, so he stumbles into Tony's cattle call instead of Pearson Hardman's...  and the rest is fantastic, made-up history.

Sidekick, Suits/Avengers xover, Mike/Tony (renests a couple of times, currently up to part 42/?).
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avengers, xover, wip, suits, rec

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