First off, happy birthdays to
lifeinwords, and the ever-fabulous
(Secondly, thanks are due to Semagic's handy-dandy birthday reminder thingy, because I am a bear of very little brain and never remember these things on my own.)
SO! HEY! Supernatural! I am thrilled to see how it continues to rock, and also how it is absorbing a steadily-increasing percentage of my flist. (Whoo!) Having an actual shared fandom feels like a strange and exotic luxury to me now!
I have reconstructed
pantyhosehero's running commentary during last night's episode to, uh, share the joy:
PHH (a minute or two into the ep): Gay brothers! Gay brothers!
PHH: Gay brothers!
PHH (about a minute later): So, are they going to have sex?
Me: Well, by all accounts, one of them is.
PHH: With the other one?
Me: shoves him in the arm
PHH (when Sam gives that look): They're doing it with each other, aren't they.
PHH: So why do you like this show, anyway? I mean, I watch it, but I don't watch it as seriously as you do. It's pretty good, but... you like them because they're gay, right?
PHH: Oh, I totally saw that coming.
Me: I didn't!
PHH: How could you not? Did you think that [REDACTED], and that would be it?
Me: Well, maybe!
PHH: Phhhhhht.
PHH: waves hands in superior manner, quite pleased with himself
PHH (during dramatic speech): Oh.
PHH: somber silence to the end
So you can see how watching it together both adds to AND detracts from the experience! (But I could accuse him of turning into a bigger fangirl than I am; I didn't find it to be a particularly gay episode, and he still wound up saying all those things...)
In exciting FANGIRL news,
china_shop is yet another utterly lovely person I have now met in RL!
aerye continues to be extraordinarily fabulous. And
shayheyred is a danger to herself and others, but that is probably not news to any of you.
Oh, and me? Apparently I have even more weird food habits than previously confessed to. Not just the egg-white-and-yolk-must-be-combined-before-cooking thing; there's also the Cheez Puffs/Doodles do very little for me unless they are SPHERICAL thing. Then I go nuts over them, and often eat them with a spoon to keep my fingers from getting all orange and powdery. Plus, although just about everyone who read the Little House on the Prairie books has tried putting maple syrup on snow, like, nobody but me has tried the equally delicious popcorn-in-milk trick. (People always look at me like I'm deranged once they find out I do that, but I have learned to shrug and advise them to get over it; I'm not going to stop doing it anytime soon.)