1. I've been in a bit of a retreat into the deep dark recesses of whatever crappy Goren/Eames fic I can find mood.
2. My heads a little spin-y with all the stuff that must be accomplished with in the next month and a half - (a) moving in with a friend next month after living by myself for 7 years (b) outline curriculum for high school religious education (c) do prep work for adult RE class I'm co facilitating in the fall.
3. Reading "Women Food and God" by Geneen Roth for the above mentioned class and I love it and her. Its all about letting go of the mantra "if I'm thin then..." and asks people to face what they are truly hungry for. To heal your spirit and figure out why you over eat or under eat and face the darkness those compulsions help us to hide from.
4. Mitt Romney kind of scares me. He's even encouraged my mom to vote for the first time ever because that's how uncomfortable the idea of him running this country makes her. I was really surprised.
5. Found out Anne Lamont has a new book coming out soon. Yay!!!!
6. I find the ultra conservative notion of talking about smaller federal government and less government involvement contradictory to how they seem to want to regulate what people can and can't do with their bodies and how they live their lives
7. I've been listening to NPR in the morning - hence all of the political ideas.
8. I've discovered marriage inequality makes me Really. Fucking. Angry. To the point where I really just have to avoid the subject.
9. I've actually written the start of a G/E fic that's been a thought in my head for years. I hope it actually gets accomplished.
10. Every time I loosen myself from LOCI cannon that try and pull me back in with stuff like Eames guest spotting on SVU. Gah, LOCI cannon can't you just die already and leave me in AU peace? You really didn't make much sense after season 6 anyway.
11. Buffy is still my favorite hero. Even if she is just a girl.
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