So, I heard this morning that VDO will be returning to CI for its 10th and (thank God) final season and I’m kind of annoyed. Now, don’t get me wrong…VDO could probably make watching paint dry intriguing and I would suspect that a part of his motivation is his appreciation for his CI fans…
But hello! Goren was fired and it was implied that Eames quit - how exactly do you come back from that? Will it be like the end of that hospital show from the 80s with Denzel Washington which ended with the revelation the whole show was a figment of this autistic boys imagination? Will Goren wake up in the premiere and be like, “Hey Eames, I had the strangest dream that you fired me…and something convoluted about Somalia gun runners…”
And speaking of Eames…is this really worth doing if they can’t get KE to sign on too? Because we sure as hell know it’s not going to be Walon Green’s crack writing team that makes it worth watching, but the hope of seeing a better send off for the two who started it. Especially since Green never knew how to write Goren (or Eames for that matter) in the first place. Now, rope in Balcer or even Leight then maybe it could actually rectify the last two seasons (or three…honestly it’s been downhill ever since they went to USA).
But honestly, as the true addict that I am I probably won't be able to stop myself from watching even though I think I probably shouldn't. I mean, I was glad it was over because Goren and Eames are like crack to me for some reason and I was free. Sure I still check out my favorite fics and will break out my DVDs on occasion (btw, I had forgotten how awesome season 2 is), but story wise I was free to take my imagination where ever, never to be restrained by cannon and I no longer felt compelled to watch a show that was once eloquent yet cheeky and cheesey and really smart turn into a ball of icky goo. and I don't want to watch icky goo. Why couldn't they just let it die because I'm gonna get sucked back in...especially if Erbe comes back too...OY!
So far the only positive spin I can put on dragging this out for another season is that maybe it will revive some of the FF and bring out some of the great writers who used to be staples…because it’s been pretty dismal as of late.
I mean really, what is it with Dick Wolf and dragging out all of his shows until they are some disfigured version of what they used to be?