some of my more gullible moments, but good memories none the less

Mar 31, 2009 18:31

I'm not a prankster and am actually a pretty horrible lair, so I could never pull off a prank if I tried. This makes me a great target for well orchestrated April Fools jokes, though. Here's a couple that I'll always remember.

April Fools Day always makes me think about Nanie, my paternal grandmother. It's an odd thing I guess to have a silly holiday like April Fools be the one that conjures some of your fondest memories of a person and not something more important like Easter or Christmas, but my family's pretty odd.

Nanie would always have something cooked up to get me on April Fools. One morning she called my house saying school had been canceled because of snow -- I honestly don't remember if there was an actual chance of snow or not, but I want to say that there was. She was good a picking stuff that was plausible and therefore easy for me to fall for (granted I was in elementry school), but one time she picked something that just by chance happened to work. Either that or my grandmother was psychic and never bothered to tell any of us.

One day she was coming to pick me up from school. That day we had been in P.E. and as the agile, athletic child that I was (can you hear the sarcasm), I had gotten hit in the face by one of those big, but soft dodge balls. So, a couple hours later Nanie was waiting in the main foyer for me at the end of the day. She looked at me real strange, bent slightly at the waist, and studied my eye.

"What happened to your eye?" she asked.

I started freaking out because I had gotten hit in the face with a dodgeball!

Next thing I heard was, "April Fools."

I still have no idea how she picked that so perfectly, but I'll always remember it. At the time I'm sure I was annoyed by being dupped because I was an over sensitive child, but now it makes me smile and miss her.

Years later, during my last year of college, I had a friend get me just as good (maybe better) as Nanie did. This friend had moved to LA and we used to talk frequently because we used to write together. Because of the time difference she generally called me when I was half asleep or just getting home from a closing shift at work. So, I get her normal late night call and she sounds wierd. Worried...timid...and she is far from fact she can be a bit of a bully.

"I have to talk to you about something," she said.


"I'm pregnant..."

I'm pretty sure my mouth gaped open and I was silent for a good thirty seconds. I recover and tell her it's okay...whatever you want to do...I'm here to help in any way...all the things you'd typically offer if a single good friend found herself pregnant.

Finally she starts laughing.

"April Fools!"

ha. ha. The date really had never registered with me.

She had even called one of her other friends with the same prank and fooled her too. Looking back if I had been in her place I think I might question why two of my good friends so easily believed that I'd gotten pregnant. lol. But that was a great April Fools joke and she sold it too.

Now, for those of you reading you have to ask yourselves: is anything she just said true? April Fools. ;)

randomness, life, friends, family

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