Title: the start of a war Rating: pg-13 Genre: action (?) / angst Wordcount: 702 A/N: just wondered what it would be like if B.A.P and EXO would be like when they meet up on a battle field.
'Look, pretty boy. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Earth is ours. We're conquering it. Go and play on Pluto or something.' ~ i found that line so amusing XD
18 hot guys battling it out: 12 with super powers, 6 with (i'm assuming) super strength ~ it would be a very interesting battle indeed. at least their fighting over a planet and not something petty like a girl XP
well technically it's only EXO-K (should've mentioned this ><"), meaning only 12 of them. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I do try not to be cliche ^^; (although it's really not avoidable) Thank you for commenting! :*
Comments 6
18 hot guys battling it out: 12 with super powers, 6 with (i'm assuming) super strength ~ it would be a very interesting battle indeed. at least their fighting over a planet and not something petty like a girl XP
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I do try not to be cliche ^^; (although it's really not avoidable) Thank you for commenting! :*
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