Title: So Crazy it Just Might Work
Chapter: Eight A - "Pangs" (3400 words; basically, I'm taking "Pangs" from BtVS Season 4 and "I Will Remember You" from AtS Season 1 and making them a two-part 'episode.')
Pairing: Angel, Xander, the Scoobies, Spike
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: Probably not what Joss envisioned. Some bits of dialogue have been stolen from BtVS s4 "Pangs"
Thanks: To
reremouse and
cordelianne for their support.
Summary: A slashier version of the first season of AtS in which Angel teams up with Xander instead of Cordelia (but not in a sexual way).
Part One: "City Of..." Part Two: "Lonely Hearts" Part Three: "In the Dark" Part Four: "I Fall to Pieces" Part Five: "Rm w/ a Vu" Part Six: "Sense and Sensitivity" Part Seven: "Bachelor Party" Part Eight A: In which there's no place like home for the holiday...