The Originals 4.01 - Gather Up the Killers

Mar 18, 2017 22:00

I enjoyed this episode so much, even though in terms of plot, not much happened. It was just so much fun to see these characters being themselves again.

Klaus was manipulative and gleeful, with just enough vulnerability to make me feel some compassion for his situation. Haley was wolfy and badass. Freya was scarily protective of her family. Elijah killed everyone without showing his face. Marcel was speechifying. Vincent was sharp-eyed and brilliant. Josh was funny.

They were all perfect.

I was disappointed that we didn't see the Camille flashback this episode (I guess that's next week?) and the moment when Marcel walked past the photo of her and Davina made my heart hurt.

LOL at Marcel living in mini-Klaus's penthouse from last season. The actress playing Marcel's lieutenant looks really familiar to me, but I can't place her. Anyone recognize her?

Hope didn't manifest much as a character this week, so I'm looking forward to finding out who she is and what she can do. I'm sure that Klaus is, too.

I'm glad the revivification only took one episode, considering that we're only getting 13 this season. And the show still hasn't been confirmed for renewal next fall. Boo.

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