New year began, and that means it’s time to use cloth diapers! My daughter is almost two months old, and I think it’s pretty good timing, too.
So far I like using good old way the best: wa-omutsu (輪おむつ) plus diaper cover. I think wa-omutsu is very traditional diaper in Japan, just like prefolds in the States. (I bought some prefolds, too, and can’t wait to use them!)
I also tried pocket diapers, but I just can’t stand washing diaper covers (even though they are not really covers) after only one session… I know I’m stingy :/
Though… I’m very curious… Do all cloth diaper babies cry as soon as they have wet diapers? And do they wet their diapers like every 30 mins? Cause that’s what’s happening to mine. I don’t mind changing it so often, but I wish it was summer now so I have less buttons to button up!
Also, I use diaper liners, which I started to think is a little waste… Maybe I shouldn’t use them right after big poop diaper.
I have a lot to experiment on CDing, but hopefully I can continue!
(Oh, and I do CD during day time only. For now, at least. No way I’m waking up every 30 mins in the middle of the night!)
Originally published at
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