Because apparently I can't stop won't stop with these things and because my free time is going to peak soon, here is a summer meme much like the
winter and
Halloween ones that came before it.
Same types of rules apply. As a refresher:
Comment with a fandom, a pairing/character/group of characters/what-have-you, and a summer-inspired prompt.
Example ~ Glee, Naya/Dianna, Ray Bans
Prompt as many times as you want, but limit one prompt per comment. Try to keep the prompts doable in under 3k words so I can get them out in a reasonable amount of time and don't end up writing 50k words slowly over many months. No promises that I'll get to every prompt, but I'll do my best.
No one can be too late to this party because I'm just going to keep it going until the leaves change here.