Fanfic Masterlist

Jul 24, 2012 16:49

[Updated Oct 10, 2015]

Mature stories are marked as such. Anything lacking a rating is Teen or under.

Stories are ordered by fandom from newest to oldest.

Formatting issues? Spelling/Grammar (hopefully not)? Concrit? Heaps of praise? -- Feel free to comment here, at the relevant post, or PM me.

Hetalia | Leverage | Supernatural | Buffy | Person of Interest | Highlander | Misc | Crossovers | Daredevil


Pairing(s): Germancest
Contains: handcuffs (of course it does, it's me...)
Word Count: short
Summary: Prussia has plans for reunification day.

Talking Strategy
*Rating: M
Pairing: Prussia/England
Contains: violence, blood, some knifeplay, references to previous Prussia/Austria dubcon
Word Count: 2,000
Summary: Prussia and England talk strategy during the Seven Years’ War. That is, if talking strategy involves knives, fists, violence, and insults. And sex.

Traffic Violation (sequel to Weight Room Etiquette and Reckless Endangerment)
Pairing: Prussia/Germany
Length: 2,744
Summary: The public sex misadventures of Prussia and Germany continue. A little teasing, a little talking, and a challenge is thrown down.

The Long and Noble History of the Pickelhaube
Characters: Germany, Prussia
Length: short
Summary: The drinking game is on and Prussia's determined not to lose. Even if it means telling one particular story.

Hidden Depths
Pairing: Germany/Prussia
Length: 1,000
Summary: The background image on Germany's laptop has been changed.

Underlying Assets
*Rating: M
Pairing: Germany/Prussia
Contains: lingerie, power plays, sex in a semi-public place
Length: 7,500
Summary: Germany had always prided himself on being a responsible leader and nation. Except now all he can think about is the racy lingerie hiding under Prussia’s suit. He was going to kill Prussia. Just as soon as he took care of more important matters.

To Light The Way
*Rating: M
Pairing: Prussia/Germany
Contains: bondage, blindfolds, cock rings, hand jobs, blowjobs, D/s.
Summary: The Christmas tree was a disaster, and now Prussia has one last chance to cheer up Germany and save Christmas. (And he isn’t above re-appropriating some holiday accessories to get the job done.)

while ( true )
Characters: Germany, Prussia, various OCs
Length: 12,650
Summary: A frustrating morning ends in tragedy and Germany wakes up to discover himself back at the beginning of the day. It seems impossible, but then it happens again. And again, and again, and…

Reckless Endangerment (sequel to Weight Room Etiquette)
Characters and Pairings: Prussia/Germany
*Rating: M
Length: 1,400
Summary After being interrupted at the gym, the drive home is much too long.

Flicker and Fade
Characters and Pairings: Prussia/Austria, England
Contains: dubcon, asphyxiation, humiliation, voyeurism
Length: short
Summary “Austria on his knees was one of Prussia’s favorite things.” Set during The Seven Years' War.

Team-Building Exercise
Characters: Prussia, Germany
Word count: 7,000
Summary Prussia and Germany don’t get along. Not for a long time. Strangely enough, a 3am fist fight may be just what they need to finally reconcile and mend their broken relationship.

Small Request
Pairing: Prussia/Austria
Length: short
Summary: Austria has a spare ring and a favor to ask (prompt: pretending to be married)

All or Nothing
Pairing: Prussia/Switzerland
Length: short
Summary: Sexy lingerie, an argument, and a riding crop (prompt: cross-dressing)

How To Win Any Argument
Pairing: Germany/Austria
Length: short
Summary:- Prussia's advice rears its head a little too late, but Germany doesn't mind. Neither does Austria. (prompt: drunk!fic)

The Best Tea Parties
Characters: Hungary, Liechtenstein (mentions of Austria, Switzerland, Prussia)
Length: short
Summary: Hungary and Liechtenstein team up to get Austria and Switzerland together.

Weight Room Etiquette
*Rating: M
Pairing: Prussia/Germany
Contains: public place
Word Count: 2,100
Summary: Prussia and Germany get it on at the gym. On the floor. On the mats. On the weightlifting benches.

A Matter of Security
*Rating: M
Pairing: Prussia/Switzerland
Contains: knife play, blood play, some violence
Word count: 8,850
Summary: What started out as a knife fight turns into something more, and Prussia rediscovers there's a difference between defeat and giving in to what he wants. Switzerland is happy to oblige but there's an ulterior reason he sought Prussia out.

Trial Run
Pairing: Prussia/France/Spain
Contains: a dog collar
Word count: 600
Summary: While on an errand at the pet store, France and Spain find something that catches their eye.

Cheat Code
*Rating: M
Pairing: Prussia/Germany
Contains: bondage, breathplay, light D/s, some (consensual) rough play
Summary: When Prussia gets the idea to help Germany de-stress by playing a round of video games, Germany gets an idea of his own and they end up playing an entirely different game.

Party at a Rich Dude's House
Characters: America + Ensemble (England, France, Austria, Russia, Prussia, Hungary, others)
Pairings: side pairings only. America/Hungary, Russia/Prussia, Austria/Switzerland
Genre: humor
Summary: America's throwing a Chistmas party and everyone's invivted. (or, It's tough being a host when you're the only sane one in a sea of crazy nations)

As We Know It
Characters or Pairings: Prussia/Germany
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Germany can't figure out Prussia's obsession with the apocalypse.

Touch and Go
Content Notice: past sexual harassment
Characters or Pairings: Prussia, France
Word count: 2,646
Summary: Christmas Bloodbath 2007. After the encounter with France, Austria, and Hungary, Prussia is shaken up and France pays a visit to his house to talk things over.

Carve a New Path (But Don't Look Back)
Characters: Germany, Prussia (appearances by N. Italy and France)
Word count: 17,828
Summary: All Germany wanted was for Prussia to be a little less, well Prussia, and act a little more like a modern, respectful nation, But it doesn't take long to discover that what he thought he wanted might not be so great after all.

Imagine Your OTP
Pairing: Prussia/gun
Warnings: crack
Word counnt: <200
Summary: After a long day of meetings, there's only one thing Prussia wants. (Glorious, ridiculous crack inspired by the Imagine Your OTP blog on tumblr.)

When Skies Are Gray
Characters or Pairings: Prussia, France, Spain, Germany
Warnings: animal character death
Genre: H/C
Word count: 1,475
Summary: Prussia didn't lose his immortality when his nation was dissolved. Gilbird, however, did.

X-Ray Vision and the Strength of Five Gorillas
*Rating: Mature
Characters of Pairings: Prussia/Prussia, Germany
Genre: angst, h/c, smut
Word count: 9,570
Summary: The sex robot Prussia commissioned looked and acted exactly like him, and was obviously his best idea ever. What he didn’t count on was that a robot with a lifetime’s worth of his memories wouldn’t want to be treated like an object.

World 1-1
Characters or Pairings: Prussia/America
Genre: Humor
Word count: 460
Summary: The sex was amazing, but Prussia still has one thing on his mind:
(215) what is the appropriate waiting time between sex and playing super Mario brothers
     (1-215) 6 min

That Iron String
Warnings: mentions of violence and blood
Characters or Pairings: Prussia, Austria
Genre: H/C (except Prussia doesn't need any damn help, thank you, and Austria would rather be manipulating people than helping them, anyway)
Word count: 6,054
Summary: Prussia’s already had a crap night (tied up in alley really isn’t his thing) when Austria stumbles upon him. Neither of them are very happy about it.

The Mountain Always Leads
Warnings: confined spaces
Characters: Switzerland, Austria (and Liechtenstein)
Genre: H/C
Word count: 3,330
Summary: Most avalanche victims die from suffocation. Austria was spying observing Switzerland’s downhill technique when he saw it happen.

Condiment War (Highlander/Hetalia crossover)
Characters: Prussia, Methos
Word count: 1,000
Summary: Methos and Prussia drink beer and plan an invasion. With condiments.

Grab Hold of the Water
Warnings: light bondage
Characters or Pairings: Russia/Prussia (in a consensual relationship, does that need a separate warning...?)
Genre: H/C
Word count: 1,840
Summary: When Prussia attempts to show Russia that he trusts him, it doesn’t quite go as planned.

The Perils of Bird-Sitting, and Other Absurdities
Characters or Pairings: Germany, Gilbird
Genre: H/C
Word count: 2,915
Summary: They’d never gotten along. But when Gilbird goes missing while Prussia’s away, Germany starts to worry (or, the one where Gilbird takes a dump in Germany's beer).

Crack Fusion #2: If You’re Not a Friggin Tard You Will Prevail
Fandom: Hetalia, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
Genre: crack
Characters: America (also: England, Canada, France, Germany)
Word count: 630
Summary: It’s world meeting time and America is determined to show the other nations that everyone’s a hero in their own (not that heroic) way.

Crack Fusion #1 - Gilbert Doesn’t Know
Fandom: Hetalia, Eurotrip
Warnings: crack, human names
Characters or Pairings: Austria/Germany, mentions of Prussia/Germany
Word count: 750
Summary: Based on the “Scotty Doesn’t Know” song (aka, Matt Damon’s finest hour). Gilbert was happy to wait for sex until West was ready, but what he didn’t expect was to see him making out like a little whore with that ass Roderich.

Apples to Apples and sequel Oh Happy Apple, This is thy Sheath
Warnings: lusty thoughts about apples, non-existent plot
Characters: Prussia/Germany
Word count: 1,170
Summary: The day was going exactly according to schedule until Gilbert started eating that damn apple. Human names.

Count the Days
Characters: Prussia, Germany
Genre: Angst
Warnings: mention of real historical figures
Word count: 2,270
Summary: “Children are never supposed to know the extent of the sacrifices their parents make for them and apparently it’s no different for siblings.” Prussia character study.

What To Do When Your Little Bro Starts Dating the Douchiest Douchebag in the World
Characters: Prussia, Germany, Russia, Estonia (Russia/Germany in the background)
Genre: Humor
Word count: 4,800
Summary: West is dating that bastard Russia but no worries, Prussia has a plan. It involves Estonia and a shotgun, among other things. (Prussia gives the older brother shotgun speech in his own special way.)

Entrepreneurship for Empires
*Rating: Mature
Characters or Pairing: Prussia/Germany
Genre: Humor
Word Count: 5,500
Summary: Prussia is looking to rebuild his kingdom. By creating an internet empire bent on dominating the online adult entertainment market. Germany’s still trying to figure out how he got dragged into this whole thing.


In Possession Of (Leverage/SPN crossover)
Characters: Eliot, Sam, Dean
Length: 1,500 words
Summary: Two hunters, one hitter, and a highway gas station in the middle of nowhere. (Or, that time when Sam and Dean saw Eliot take down a bunch of guys carrying guns and drew the completely wrong conclusion.) Written for comment fic for the prompt: "For the last time, I'm not a demon."

Objects of Impressive Size
Characters: Crowley
Length: short
Summary: One moment he'd been taking notes and bemoaning the state of modern literature and the next, well, let’s just say that discovering himself in the Supernatural novels was a more than welcome reprieve.


Condiment War (Highlander/Hetalia crossover)
Characters: Prussia, Methos
Word count: 1,000
Summary: Methos and Prussia drink beer and plan an invasion. With condiments.

Happy Sleep, Happy Death
Characters or Pairings: Methos
Word count: 1,145
Summary: While chasing down a manuscript that may or may not be his, Methos comes face to face with an old portrait that sparks memories. One he started while under the tutelage of Leonardo da Vinci.


Blood Money
Character: Giles
Word count: 176
Summary: Giles reflects on blood, vodka, and magic.

The Seven
Characters: Ensemble (Buffy, Giles, Willow, Xander, Cordelia, Angel)
Word count: 700
Summary: Prompt - research party on a seven eyed demon.

Person of Interest

The Man in That One Suit (crossover with What Not to Wear)
Characters: Reese, Finch, Stacy, Clinton
Length: short
Summary: Stacy and Clinton strive to right a fashion wrong, Reese is mildly offended, and Finch is far more amused than he has any right to be.


Hypothetically Speaking
Character(s): Eliot + Leverage team
Word Count: short
Summary: The question of whether Eliot ever trips on his ridiculously long pants is a serious question with a serious answer. Really...

Things Best Kept Between Three People
Rating: M
Contains: oral sex, light D/s
Character(s): Eliot/Parker/Hardison
Word Count: 13,600
Summary: Parker and Hardison are kidnapped on a job, but things are more than what they seem. And it brings to light an important something they've been avoiding talking about with Eliot.

Blankets and Entering
Characters: Eliot/Quinn
Length: short
Summary: Quinn doesn’t say, I trust you. But when he’s run down and exhausted, he breaks into Eliot’s place.

The De-Pantsing of Alec Hardison
Rating: M (barely)
Characters: Eliot/Parker/Hardison
Length: 1,500 words
Summary: Hardison was used to fielding constant demands on the job. Crack the code. Trace the cash. Do the impossible. It was what he did. Take you pants off, well, that one was a bit unexpected.

Escalation of Commitment
Character(s): Eliot/Parker/Hardison + Colonel Vance
Word Count: 3,972
Summary: After several bumbling attempts by the government to recruit him back into service, Eliot’s left feeling insulted, one of Hardison’s action figures is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice, and Parker intends to show whoever’s in charge exactly why it’s a bad idea to touch her rappelling gear.

In other words, just another day at the office.

In Possession Of (Leverage/SPN crossover)
Characters: Eliot, Sam, Dean
Length: 1,500 words
Summary: Two hunters, one hitter, and a highway gas station in the middle of nowhere. (Or, that time when Sam and Dean saw Eliot take down a bunch of guys carrying guns and drew the completely wrong conclusion.) Written for comment fic for the prompt: "For the last time, I'm not a demon."

Can't Start a Fire Without
Characters: Eliot/Parker/Hardison
Word count: 1,500
Summary: “Let me get this straight,” Eliot said. “You called me about a fake fire to get me to come over for cookies. Which then became a real fire and ruined the cookies. Now you want me to make you cookies so you can give the cookies to me. That sum it up?”

The Art of Taking Dangerous People to Bed
Characters: Eliot/Quinn
Word count: 2,850
Summary: Eliot has one ground rule: no weapons in the bedroom. Quinn’s not completely sold on this, but he’s willing to be convinced.

Survival Training is not a Euphemism
Characters: Eliot/Parker/Hardison
Word count: 860
Summary: Hardison dragged along every computer known to man and Parker’s in a turf war with the local wildlife. This isn’t what Eliot meant when he said they should do some wilderness survival training

How Not to Win a Knife Fight
Characters: Quinn/Chaos
Word count: 850
Summary: It wasn't a job gone wrong. But it wasn't exactly a job gone right, either.

Lapse, relapse, collapse (this time is the last)
Character(s): Eliot Spencer
Word count: 1,000
Summary: After so long without the rush of a purposeful kill, the warehouse reminded Eliot of an addiction he thought he'd recovered from.

At least the thugs stay silent
Characters: Quinn/Chaos
Word count: 2,700
Summary: They were a mile and a half from the auxiliary maintenance station at Bellington Dam, and Quinn was itching to hit something.


As Needed
Character(s): Fisk/Wesley
Rating: Mature
Contains: breathplay, light d/s
Word Count: 1,575
Summary: It’s an admirable trait, loyalty.”
One of many, Wesley would have agreed aloud had he the breath for it.


The Master and Margarita

Relative Truths
Characters: Woland, Koroviev, Behemoth
Word count: 175
Summary: Prompt -  it is not the shadow's job to drown out the light, but to show the depth of it by contrast


In Possession Of
Characters: Eliot, Sam, Dean
Length: 1,500 words
Summary: Two hunters, one hitter, and a highway gas station in the middle of nowhere. (Or, that time when Sam and Dean saw Eliot take down a bunch of guys carrying guns and drew the completely wrong conclusion.) Written for comment fic for the prompt: "For the last time, I'm not a demon."

Person of Interest/What Not to Wear
The Man in That One Suit
Characters: Reese, Finch, Stacy, Clinton
Length: short
Summary: Stacy and Clinton strive to right a fashion wrong, Reese is mildly offended, and Finch is far more amused than he has any right to be.

Condiment War
Characters: Prussia, Methos
Word count: 1,000
Summary: Methos and Prussia drink beer and plan an invasion. With condiments.

leverage, hetalia, person of interest, crossover, highlander, fanfiction, supernatural, buffy

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