[Fanfic] - The Mountain Always Leads (1/1)

Jul 08, 2012 12:00

Fandom: Hetalia
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: confined spaces
Characters: Switzerland, Austria (and Liechtenstein)
Word count: 3,330
Summary: Most avalanche victims die from suffocation. Austria was spying observing Switzerland’s downhill technique when he saw it happen. It wouldn’t kill him, but it was a horrible way to be trapped.

Written for hc_bingo for the ( Read more... )

hc_bingo, fanfiction, c:switzerland, hetalia, pair:no pairing, c:austria

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Comments 15

jemsquash July 10 2012, 09:42:43 UTC
I'm torn between hugging those two and banging their heads together...

This entire story is very well done, from Switzerland’s enjoyment of the freedom of skiing and Austria bringing finger sandwiches and wine on spying missions. Them both having outdated beacons... you two are in such denial over your similarities.

The hallucination with Liechtenstein freaked me out. Like she had always been waiting for the chance to take over. But she’s adorable when she really shows up. A much needed level head and politeness to smooth over the awkwardness

Even the ending fits perfectly with the three’s characters. It would be nice to imagine that this one rescue would over come centuries of bad feelings and there would be a tearful reunion… but that is not how Austria or Switzerland work.


lynne_monstr July 10 2012, 12:20:15 UTC
Thanks so much! This was my first time writing either of them, and they’re both such difficult characters to get a handle on, so I’m super happy to hear that coming from a fellow Swiss/Aus fan!

I’d like to think that Liechtenstein spends a lot of time watching Switzerland and facepalming, but she’s just so damn sweet, so I can’t be sure :)

Hugging them and banging their heads together
That is a perfect summation of all the reasons I love them.


resha04 July 11 2012, 03:43:31 UTC
God, I love this Q_Q
Too few AusSwiss fics out there.

And this is pure awesome.

I love how Austria contemplated between looking for his childhood friend and just leave. He can't ignore Switzerland, he can never do.

Also, them using same outdated beacon is hilarious. Really... XD Very them.

How Austria keeps a steady pace in searching and Switzerland never suits with passivity even though he's a neutral nation, I think it's very deep.

I love how Liechtenstein always seems to mend their broken friendship back again. She's such a sweet girl :)

I'm not good with words, and I think I didn't get my meaning across, but I love this fic, I love how you characterize them, I love the interaction between them, and I love how you write their relationship. :)


lynne_monstr July 11 2012, 14:54:37 UTC
I know - they are so lovely and dysfunctional and perfect and where are all the rabid Swiss/Aus fans!!

Fun fact: When I first saw the Liechtenstein’s Big Brother episodes I thought I had found my OTP. But then there was practically no fic for it, so I let it slip (and then I found Prussia and mostly abandoned shipping altogether…). But after I started writing, it finally hit me that I could write the fic for them that I’d always wanted to see!

Glad to hear that you liked - and you got your point across wonderfully :) Thank you!!


kestrad July 12 2012, 02:30:42 UTC
Ooh, I'm not a huge fan of SwissAus, but I love the way you portrayed the relationship between the two in this story, and the sequence of being buried alive was very well done. That moment with the outdated beacon especially was excellent.

And of course, Liechtenstein and Switzerland are an awesomely adorable sibling duo.


lynne_monstr July 12 2012, 03:18:36 UTC
Thanks!! Their prickly relationship with softer undertones that they just can’t shake is my favorite thing about them .

I was converted to liking Liechtenstein when she interrupted Switzerland’s “stranger danger” lecture to have him draw out the animals for her. How can anyone not love that :)


kiramaru7 July 26 2012, 04:17:18 UTC
I really enjoyed it, even if the buried alive thing kinda squicked me. ^^; LOVED their banter at the end too! :D


lynne_monstr July 26 2012, 12:46:55 UTC
Thanks! I hear you on the squick. If I wasn't the one writing it and knowing how it would end, I may have been freaked out myself.

The scene at the end was the hardest to write. So happy to hear you liked!


kiramaru7 July 26 2012, 13:07:25 UTC
You're welcome! I'm asthmatic & was in 2 situations where I couldn't breathe, mildly claustrophobic & have a fear of getting buried alive... ^^; So this one really hit home with me! ^^;

Yeah? I think you carried their long standing rivalry perfectly throughout the fic & you summed it up nicely at the end. Well done!


lynne_monstr July 26 2012, 13:14:51 UTC
Wow, that sounds really scary. I can see where that would hit hard. But I'm glad you were still able to enjoy it anyway :)


cheshirejin January 11 2013, 05:28:36 UTC
Brilliant! I <333333 this pairing to start with and you did such a great job with it squeeeeee!


lynne_monstr January 11 2013, 14:05:51 UTC
Thanks!! I love them, too - it was one of the first pairings to catch my eye when I got into Hetalia and it's still going strong!


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