Bunch of 3 sentence fics (4 Hetalia; 2 Leverage)

Jul 20, 2015 14:27

I did a 3 sentence AU prompt thing on tumblr, and here's what came out of it. I'm trying to get back into writing more regularly, but it's hard!

Hetalia (germancest) - Pacific Rim AU

Nations can’t drift, they all said; such a deep well of memories and history would surely overload the neural handshake.

Prussia laughed to himself -defying the odds and cheating death were what he did, so why would this be any different-as he strapped into the Fearless Fritz, his movements perfectly synched with his brother as they performed the final checks.

One final nod, and with a familiar rush of joy and love and brother, they were whole again.

Hetalia (Prussia/Switzerland) - Leveage AU

“I only took this job because these assholes stole my little brother’s research,” Gilbert said, hands flying across the keyboard; all he got in response was a grunt, followed by, “They stole my money,” from the angry blond guy with his ear pressed to a state-of-the-art safe.

The moment the safe opened, they grabbed the goods and ran, pursuing footsteps trailing in their wake- a shot rang out and Gilbert was tackled to the floor, Vash’s face hovering above his own, shouting, “Are you hit!”

Through the haze of pain, Gilbert figured he’d keep this guy around.

Hetalia (germancest) - Gilbert is an unsuccessful sculptor who tries to get his first exhibition.

“So tell me again about this horse,” Ludwig said, walking another full circle around the massive sculpture.

The sculptor paused, his frantic energy arrested for a brief moment before he flung himself forward as if to shield the sculpture from Ludwig’s gaze, his strange reddish eyes going wide as he uttered, “Horse? Shit, no, this is my father.”

Ludwig could feel his face heating up, but before he could respond, the sculptor - Gilbert, his name was- smiled disturbingly widely and added, “You’ll have to buy me dinner to make up for it.”

Hetalia (germancest) - Zombie AU (warnings: character death)

“You’d flip if you could see your hair like this,” Gilbert said, crouching over Ludwig and absently smoothing back the matted and tangled mess of hair from his forehead.

His own cackling laugh filled the silence.

Tossing away the now empty pistol, Gilbert laid down beside his brother and curled into what little warmth was left; he could already feel the Change numbing his injuries and knew it was only a matter of time before he didn’t feel anything at all.

Leverage (Nate/Sterling/(Sophie))  - bodyswap

“They’re both Nate,” Parker whispered in his ear, and Eliot held off on his usual you’re crazy comment because, well, Parker was kind of right this time-Nate and Sterling stood in the briefing room, arms crossed over their chests and identical scowls leveled at each other (so technically Nate was Sterling, but the guy who looked like Sterling was actually Nate, and Eliot pinched the bridge of his nose to cut off that line of thought).

Just when he thought things were about as crazy as crazy could be, Sophie breezed in a with a, “Hello, darling,” and gave Nate-who-was-actually-Sterling a long, lingering kiss; Hardison awkwardly cleared his throat to set things straight when Sophie moved on, doing the same to the real Nate, and damn, Eliot had heard of Hardison talking about something called brain bleach before, but had never understood what the hell that meant until this exact moment.

Nate shrugged his shoulders at them in a way that looked way too sheepish for Sterling’s features, grabbed his whiskey from the table, and said, “Hardison, what do you know about body-switching?”

Leverage (Eliot + Sterling) - I misread the above as Eliot instead of Nate so I wrote that too :)

“Say that one more time and see what happens,” Eliot warned, gritting his teeth as he grabbed his own pinky finger- technically Sterling’s finger until they figured out how to fix this mess-and bent it backwards until it hurt.

If it hadn’t been Eliot’s face looking ridiculous, it would’ve been funny how wide Sterling’s eyes got before he composed himself and sneered, “Not even you’re dumb enough to break your own fingers.”

Eliot smiled and said, “They ain’t mine, and I’ve had worse, so unless you want to switch back unable to open doors you’re gonna help me find my team and then we’ll see about fixing this.”

pair:prussia/germany, c:james sterling, leverage, c:switzerland, hetalia, c:sophie devereaux, pair:no pairing, pair:prussia/switzerland, c:eliot spencer, pair:nate/sophie/sterling, c:germany, fanfiction, c:nathan ford, c:prussia

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