Hit the ground running

Nov 03, 2014 18:26

Wow, when I said that work was super busy last week, I may have spoken too soon. It got busier...! I'm trying to take some me-time here and there to keep from going crazy, but I will be super happy when Wednesday/Thursday rolls around and things hopefully get a little bit quieter.

On an unrelated note, I got a bunch of writing done this past weekend before the work crisis popped up. I wrote about 4k words of the fic I've been brainstorming and finished another fic that was teetering on the edge of complete for a while now. I guess sometimes stepping away for a month really does help the writing process! I'm going to post it (more leverage - i'm so sorry my poor neglected Hetalia but I'm hoping to get back to you after christmas) once work settles down.

job related, general silliness, writing

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