This post has no redeeming content whatsoever

Jan 28, 2014 15:32

Sometimes I think I should use this journal thing more like a journal, but then I realize I don't have much to say. I keep most of my admittedly sparse personal ramblings under a lock (for no real reason, except perhaps I spent my formative early teen years back in the days when the internet was more about pedophiles than meetups).

So yeah, I guess there's not much to say. I'm still working on Hetalia fic. Primarily that damn germancest smut that is still dragging its feet. And the longer serious germancest fic that will end up as my longest fic to date, which I will pick back up after the smut is finished! If only the ending didn't need to be torn up and put back together... I'm a bit apprehensive about that one if only because the pacing is difficult to get right, and I'm writing (in what is hopefully a sort of realistic way) about dealing with an injury I have no personal experience with. And I still have no idea how to end the damn thing.

Aside from fic, I've been speed-watching my way through Supernatural over the past several months. I'm about halfway through season 8 at the moment and enjoying it very, very much. I'm on the kinky hatesex rare-ish pair bandwagon (which basically consists of Sam/monsters) and for the moment I'm there to stay!

Not so coincidentally, one of my favorite SPN characters shares a name with one of my favorite book characters, and so just for fun I placed a hold on Good Omens at my local library. It should be here any day and I can't wait to re-read it!

I've mentioned on tumblr once or twice that work has kind of been sucking. It's still pretty stressful but I keep telling myself that it pays the bills and that's got to count for something! So I'm hanging in there and looking forward to the next few long weekends that I've got scheduled.And the vodka and wine I picked up at the liquor store the other day aren't hurting my outlook, either! Stress has been killing my writing motivation lately, but I'm determined to power through it!

So basically the point of this pointless post is that I'm a huge dweeb.

general silliness, writing

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