[Fanfic] - Reckless Endangerment (1/1)

Jul 01, 2013 14:16

Follow up to Weight Room Etiquette but can be read standalone.

Fandom: Hetalia
Rating: M
Characters: Prussia/Germany
Length: 1,400
Summary: After being interrupted at the gym, the drive home is much too long to wait.

The moment the car’s engine roared to life, Prussia fumbled for West’s shorts, determined to get the damned things off him. And found himself thrown against the passenger door, arms pinned tightly to his sides.

“What are you doing?” West’s voice was strained, head whipping in every direction to glance furtively out the car windows. “People can see us!”

“No one’s looking,” Prussia argued, trying not to get distracted by the hardness poking insistently against his hip. He struggled to shift his position enough to grind against it, but fuck, West was heavy. Settling for a leering grin, he added. “And as long as you don’t give the game away, there’ll be nothing to see.”

West scowled back at him. “Do I have to tie you down to make you behave?”

Prussia wriggled in his grasp. “That’s twice today you’ve pinned my arms. If you want to tie me up, West, just ask. I might even say yes.”

Instead of rising to the bait, West grinned and kissed the corner of his mouth. “You’re incorrigible.”

Prussia didn’t miss a beat. “You started it.” Giving up on freeing himself, he tilted his head and turned the chaste kiss into something much less innocent. For a moment there was only the clashing of their lips and tongues, underscored by the steady rumble of the car all around them.

All too soon, West released him, buckled his seatbelt, and put the car in gear.


They were speeding down an empty stretch of road when Prussia made his move.

“Alone at last,” he announced, stretching his arms languidly above his head and leaning towards the driver’s side, not so subtly dropping a hand into West’s lap. The flesh under his palm gave an enthusiastic twitch and the car swerved dangerously, throwing Prussia across the seat to land face first where his hand had been resting, his shoulder narrowly avoiding a painful collision with the gearshift.

West cursed loudly as he jerked the wheel the other way, bringing the car under control. “What the hell do you think you’re doing!” His breath came in long, heavy drags, and he looked torn between wanting to kill Prussia and wanting to jump him.

“This,” Prussia replied, and lowered his mouth, teasing as much as he could through the layers of fabric. The familiar scent of musk and sweat washed over him and he groaned, pressing his entire face into the warmth in front of him.

“Prussia.” The low rumble of West’s voice blended with the purr of the engine. “You can’t. Not-” the words ended in a choked off, guttural cry, the strong muscles of his thighs quivering as he fought to keep control. “Not here, not now.”

Turning his head, Prussia placed a kiss to his stomach. “Tell me no and I’ll stop.”

The drone of the car and the road was his only answer.

His victory secured, Prussia braced a hand on the supple leather of the seat and sucked at the dark, wet patch barely visible against the equally dark material of the shorts. A soft gasp came from above, and he did it again, kissing and sucking at the impressive bulge.

A hand tangled in his hair and Prussia pressed into it, enjoying the fingers carding against his scalp as they coaxed him down.

He stopped, lips hovering but not touching. “Hands on the wheel, West.”

The hand in his hair tightened, twisting harshly. “This is no time for games.”

It was a good attempt, Prussia conceded, pausing to appreciate the burn in his scalp and the way the pain made him ache in all the right ways. But West wasn’t the only one who knew exactly which buttons to be press.

“It’s not a game,” he replied, turning his head to peer sideways through his lashes. “It’s a rule. And I know how much you like rules.”

The bulge pressed near his cheek gave a sharp jump of agreement, but West didn’t give in. “It’s a useless rule.” His eyes flicked down between the seats and back up. “I’ll need to downshift eventually.”

And even during a car blow job, West was as practical as ever. But that last line was more forfeit than fight and Prussia pressed on, encouraged. “Then I guess we better be quick. Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel.”

There was a slight pause. Then, as expected, the hand untangled from his hair.

Prussia allowed himself triumphant grin before rewarding that bit of good behavior, freeing West’s cock from his shorts and slipping a hand under the waistband. He continued to tease, sucking and licking and placing open mouthed kisses all along the shaft and head. It wasn’t long until West was rocking helplessly back and forth in the seat to keep from thrusting into Prussia’s mouth, heavy gasping breaths filling the air.

He wished he could see West’s face, see the cheeks that had to be flushed by now, lips swollen as he bit them in a failed attempt to stay quiet. Prussia groaned at the thought and heard an answering hitch of breath as the vibrations passed from his lips to the hardness against his mouth.

The roar of the engine thrummed thick and powerful in his ears, the bumps and curves of the road requiring an intense level of concentration as he took West fully into his mouth, working him until the panting breaths turned into choked off moans and muffled grunts. Reaching out a finger, he shifted his hand farther back to press hard against the small patch of skin behind West’s sac. The muscles of his legs spasmed, practically throwing them both out of the seat as West bucked desperately into his mouth.

Working quickly, Prussia wrapped his hand firmly around the base, holding tight as West jerked against him, seeking the release that was just out of reach. The car shuddered, swerving sharply before evening out.

Freeing his mouth, Prussia looked up and smiled wide. “Good thing my reflexes are better than your self-control,” he teased.

West’s face was even more flushed than in Prussia’s imagination, eyes wide open and staring unseeingly out the front windshield, resolutely not looking down to meet his gaze. For a puzzled moment, Prussia wondered why, and then remembered.

Eyes on the road.

The rules.

West was still obeying the rules. The realization sent a flash of heat racing downwards and Prussia’s eyes clenched shut, the need to touch himself almost unbearable. Taking a deep, steadying breath, he got himself under control. Opening his eyes, he kissed the tip of West’s cock, red and swollen in his grasp, and nearly lost it all again as the rest of West’s composure collapsed.

“Prussia, please…” His voice was strained, on the edge of breaking. Both hands trembled on the wheel, hips twitching and thrusting, every line of his body begging.

Prussia shifted in his seat, his own arousal settling like a haze over his mind. He moved without thinking, trailing a line of kisses up West’s stomach and chest, straining as high as he could to nip at his collarbone.

Still, West didn’t move, didn’t turn towards him. Even like this, on the edge of oblivion, he was clinging to the last shreds of his restraint and Prussia fucking loved him for it. Brushing lips over a cloth-covered nipple , he whispered, “Please what?” He was aiming for aloof but didn’t quite manage to pull it off.

It didn’t matter; West was far beyond noticing, and the words sent a shiver through his entire body. “Please.” He breathed deeply. “I need- please don’t stop.” His knuckles stood out white where his fingers clutched the wheel in a death-grip.

The road unfolded in front of them, strips of blurred green on either side broken up by the occasional road sign as they flew past. Prussia could feel every bump and jostle as he released his grip and sealed his lips around West’s straining length, bobbing his head and hollowing his cheeks. It didn’t take long to find a rhythm, and he’d barely started when West’s thighs tensed and his entire body went rigid.

Prussia realized too late what was happening but there was no time to brace himself. With a final cry, West spilled into his mouth.

And crashed the car.

Sequel: Traffic Violation

c:germany, fanfiction, pair:prussia/germany, hetalia, c:prussia

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