In news item number one, I am writing the grand daddy j2 college au to put the rest to shame. All right, there might not be any shame beside my own, but I'm giving it a really good go. I'm writing it with
kirkes_island. It's my first chapter fic and we're waiting until we get five whole chapters finished before posting anything. I think everyone should appreciate and commend my restraint ... since I'm damn well not getting any comments right now. :(
*Loves teh comments*
It's kinda a monster. Somehow Mike and Tom showed up - along with Chad, Sophia, Sandy, Alona, and Gabe (Andy). So far, I've really enjoyed writing this. I seem to have a thing for college au's anyway.
Probably my internal longing to get back to college. Which segues nicely into my next topic.
Does anyone else have a problem choosing how to act? I know, that sounds odd. But, I'm almost constantly trying to decide what I want to portray to the world. Lately, I've become more concerned with being nice and fun. I've been trying to take myself a lot less seriously, which I'm sure everyone around me enjoys. So, I'm a little whimsical and random. Personally, I have a lot more fun this way. I'm more relaxed. I'm happier. I mean, not happy, but happier.
The thing is, I've been "the smart girl" for so long that having anyone assume that my new fun and playful attitude means I'm not brilliant kind of pisses me off. I mean, taking some time off of college and returning home in shame really helped me get over my "respect my brilliance" issues. Because having everyone you know look at you with pity and disappointment and hearing the phrase "so much potential" whispered every time you walk into a room ... if I was still desperate to prove how smart I am at this point I might be going a little insane.
I guess I'm not really sure where I was going with this whole post. Basically, someone insulted my intelligence yesterday in a completely teasing way and I had to immediately fight down the urge to slip back into my tortured, misunderstood smart girl persona. Cause I am smart. I have the SAT scores, IQ test, and GPA (you know, before I took a mental break mid-semester and failed out of all my classes) to prove it. But then again, I'm 23 now and working at a hotel ... so maybe it's not too hard to imagine how people could miss my brilliance. lol.
Also, just to lighten things up: Season 2 comes out on DVD tomorrow! Yay!