Jan 25, 2010 15:41
I so wish i could bring my hand sewing to work.
i completely lack motivation today. i have some things to do, but i can't seem to focus.
i have been spending the last couple of weeks working out like a maniac. It seems to be paying off in many ways. as of yesterday i was down 10 lbs and 4 inches! it is a small step, but it is nice to see results for once. The workout is paying off in other ways too. I am not as sore on a daily basis and i am able to fight longer and harder tha before. I can finally stop focusing on breathing and focus on the fight itself. its nice and i am having a lot more fun with every week that goes by.
I created my little workout program myself. i have spent my entire life jumping from one fad diet to the other. We have done everything from sweating to the oldies and deal a meal, to weight watchers. Never have stuck with any of them. I always felt like i was being punished for being fat and had to deprive myself of the things I liked and eat gross stuff.
Luckily i am older now, my tastes have changed and i have friends who can cook the most amazing healthy stuff ever!! it has helped to change my attitude.
The diet is fairly simple. I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and snack in between. If i can't sit down and have a healthy meal(due to work requirments, money etc) then i have a protien bar. Meals are often well balanced, meat veggie carbs, not to much of anything. lots of fruit for snacks. I am not measuring, i do count calories most of the time though and try to stay under 1600 a day depending on my workout. If I want a candy bar, i have one. Just have to walk to the store to get it. one slice of pizza instead of 3, followed with a salad and a huge glass of water. thats the other thing, I drink a bottle of water when i'm hungry. seems to be working. It is helping with the food allergies too. i just have to think about what i am going to eat for the day in advance. my downfall has always been once I hit that too hungry to think stage. thats when fast food sounds good. haven't had any fast food in a month and I really don't miss it.
the work out has been intense. I did lots of weight training in highschool and college, the info was there, just not used. So 3 days a week i head to the gym for weight training. 20 min cardio on each end and a combo of machines and free weights. The key for me is variety, reps and not pushing to far to fast.
I have myself on a 6 week program focusing on basic core strength stuff. legs, back, chest arms, core. I love lifting free weights so I have it interspersed throughout the workout as kind of a reward for the more dreaded excersises.
2 days a week i do some kind of cardio. lately its swimming on my lunch break and walking wendy a mile or 2 when i get home from work. I usually follow this with stretching crunches, curls and push ups.
Saturdays and sundays are rest days for fun stuff(fight practice, park with wendy etc). its been tough, but i enjoy it.
today is the begining of the 3rd week. I am increasing my reps on the weight training and hitting the elliptical for my cardio.
Next month will be a little more difficult as I plan to cut a couple of the days to through in more fight practices. The master plan is to swim on practice nights and still lift weights 3 days a week. Hopefully i can do it.
This is the first time in my life that i have ever felt this motivated to get into shape. I am so tired of being in pain all the time, and I really, really, want to improve my fighting, and finish this quest. I will do it too. just watch:)