LawlWut?! Freakin’ Journal Entry?!?!

Jan 03, 2009 12:56

Yeah, I don’t do random entries much, but I’m starting to get friends . . . . . so I need to let people know that I’m alive. <<;;

Ah, my lovely girlfriend/fiancée had to move away from me, and back in with her mom and step-dad.

(This is far more complicated than I’m making it sound. And I mean Jerry Springer kind of convoluted, so please just leave it at the basics.)

Well she’s now an hour+ drive away from me . . . . maybe I can take a train up here. *Is visiting her love*

Ah, so her step-dad is. . . . . Yeah I don’t have a word for him. He’s a jerk half the time, and something approaching human the rest of it. And he can get really, really bad. . . I don’t think he’s at the ‘get drunk and beat his wife’ stage....... because my love’s mom will beat back just as hard.

Well his jerk side kicked in when coming to get my love. Basically assumed my baby had almost no possessions, and said he wanted to do the move in one trip. . . .

Meaning they left more than half of my Ayane (Ayane Ryuuza) love’s stuff at her old haunt. And this is the second time in her life that she was forced to leave the majority of her material possessions behind--because of the same people. (Re: More Jerry Springer)

So I flip-shit and say, “THE HELL HER SHIT IS BEING LEFT BEHIND AGAIN!” and grabbed a mutual friend/her godmother to help me pack up my dad’s mini-van.....

So we couldn’t fit everything, and Ayane’s mom wanted to give her a present of taking her to the hair-salon, but it got scheduled so that we couldn’t call her to ask her what was the important stuff to save. . . . . . Not fun. And made more complicated by the following:

My dad loves me. I have him wrapped around my little finger. He is royally pissed that I’m being used by the family as a cheap U-haul, and built in Taxi service--although that’s sort of stopped now that she’s up here. STILL, dad was annoyed, but understanding about me coming up this time, because we had no idea what I was walking into. He now has forbidden me from doing another run up here as a U-haul.... or just being a U-haul in general. He says--very logically--that there are several people at fault for my baby’s current situation, that I shouldn’t be the fall guy for them, that they need to take responsibility for their own actions, and that it’s up to Ayane to negotiate the rest of her belonging up to her.

We know for a fact that her old roommate will not mail the rest to her. That is more Jerry Springer that I’m not going into.

We’re also pretty sure her mom--and defiantly her step-dad, since he decided he wouldn’t move everything before he even knew how much/little there was to move--won’t do anything to help get the stuff up here. And because she just moved, no job. And because of other past shit, she can’t drive either. . . . . so yeah. . . . . more then likely, by the time she can do anything to get the stuff out, her old roommate will have thrown it out.

And I’m torn about doing anything. . . . . To do the run says, ‘hi, I’m a doormat’, to not do the run hurts my love. Yeah, only my Ayane stands to suffer from this . . . .

Bah, I feel all worn out and crazy and confused.

/end rant

~ <3 Lynn Stardragon, the Happy Dragon

rants, daily life babble

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