This post is just a simple catch-up about where my time and energy has been going of late.
I’ve been focusing my reading/writing time on Reviews and edits of other members work earns ‘member dollars’, which I can use to promote my own work, enter contests, create a contest, or take an online class. So, I have been reviewing like mad. My most recent post was a for-fun piece of poetry. I’ll include the link; to read it, open the first piece in my portfolio called “Secure Packaging”. Maybe you can relate. Hopefully it will make you smile. Life just doesn’t slow down around here. I’ll start with Sunday and backup.
We spent most of Sunday in the Emergency Room. Around 9:30 a.m., D began to complain of pain in his lower left side. Within an hour, he could barely move, the pain evolving rapidly from bad to excruciating. The on-call Ask A Nurse RN suggested we call our doctor, whose on-call service told us to head straight to the ER. D was taken in pretty quickly, put on pain meds, examined, and wheeled down the hall for a CAT scan-the thinking at the time being a possible appendicitis or kidney stones. It was neither. Turned out to be a very nasty Inguinal Hernia, which was actually quite visible once they got D’s pain under control so that he could lie down flat. After the scan and a good dose of sedation on top of the pain medication, the doctor was able to manipulate the intestine back under the muscle wall (not a fun process). If he hadn’t been successful, emergency surgery would have been performed. D had an appointment with a surgeon yesterday, who is going to try to schedule surgery this week.
Luckily we went into Sunday with a good day of relaxation under our belts. Saturday we visited the Farmer’s Market, went out for a late breakfast, did a bit of shopping, and lazed around a good deal of the day. Don’t have many days like that. Should try to have more.
The week prior had been a major house-cleaning week for me. It was muck-out-the-stables time after a four-day visit from "A" and her four, very active dogs! Counting my little girl dog, we had two Border Collies, one Vallhund, one Corgi, and one Australian Terrier dragging the desert inside and making the general messes dogs enjoy making. I LOVE them all to pieces, but it took all week to put the house to rights again. You can't even imagine the state of the floors.
That backs us up to the visit with A. Great time. She did everything from car shopping with her Dad (still looking) and visiting a favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner, to taking a dance class with him and then going out country-western dancing the night before she left. Very full and busy week.
The rest is all just the ordinary business of life, combined with me trying to function without sleeping pills, for the first time in about 12 years. It’s been about three weeks now. Last night was the worst. I was still awake at 3:00am, wandering the house and putzing on the computer. Got a few hours sleep between 4:00 and 9:30. Not at my best today.
So, that’s about it. Next stop on the catchup trail is to make a cup of tea and start reading everyone else’s recent posts. Sorry I’ve been so neglectful lately. I'm really quite amazed that I still have any friends on LJ at the rate I've been going keeping up with everyone.