So I have been looking for a new job because my current one is insane. I have worked 9 and half to 10 and a half hours in one day with no breaks at all, now this as we know is highly illegal. I can't be doing this kind of stuff not with my foot still recovering from being broken. My boss is also always calling trying to get me work other peoples shifts. She doesn't just call once or twice she calls repeatedly, over and over, when I am not and am in a building with no reception, it has gotten so bad I refuse to answer if I know it is her. Apparently I am the only employee she has who knows how to clean. I have sent my resume into a bunch of places and had some interviews, nothing is quite panned out yet but I certainly hope I find something soon.
Everyone in this house has gone through a bout of strep not all of us had in our throats though, Sandor got it on his hands, and Davion his back. O.o I had no idea you could get it anywhere but in your throat. Anyway We are all better now but slightly confused and befuddled due to the occurrence.
The kids have a weird spring break schedule, Sandor goes to a Fort Belvoir school Davion a Fairfax school in Alexandria so their breaks do not come at the same time. Very frustrating and confuseling to boot. Anyway our friend Matt is coming to visit, not not Wampole another Matt. His lady friend is taking classes in another country and he is lonely so Ian has decided he is going to use him as a sparring partner.
I am going to try to make some easter cookies my German friends use to make when we lived over there, I am also going to give a shot at this Roman easter bread for when we go visiting the Wampole's for the holiday. Hopefully they turn out okay and if not Matt Wampole is making sugar cookies with the boys. It should be fun.
Oh and I Adopted some dragon eggs if you would all be so kind as to click on them for me to get them to hatch I would be ever so appreciative!