Favorite quotes for the day...

Nov 16, 2005 15:01

i heard three people say these things today... and found them to be funny. :)

Dr. Garcia: "Oh shit"

Random Girl: "So he's in like Iraq or whatever that foreign country is, and his safety is like in jeopardy."

Todd: "Yeah, I walked around so I could get a fresh of breath air. I mean, a bresh of fresh... meh. Breath of fresh air."

hehe, silly. i particularly liked the Random Girl. i would have taken her seriously had she not said "like" and "or whatever that foreign country is". what a dumbass.

in other news, the strep symptom in gone but not the actual strep... which i wish wasn't the case because the new meds they have me on have two side affects that suck. one is the stomach pain and waves of nausea, and the other is a metalic taste in my mouth... both of which the doc warned me of. sad... i hate being sick.

the show went pretty well last night. none of us wanted to be there, but the show must go on. it was a pretty good crowd for a tuesday night, not all that responsive but pretty good. before the show we took Act 1 pictures, and tonight is Act 2. it was fun. yep... ummmmm...

oh! i moved some stuff into my new place yesterday so that was nice to get some work done. this saturday, some of the theatre guys are helping me move the big stuff (in case any of you want to help we are starting at 12pm on saturday). my room is already starting to feel pretty empty. my posters have been slowing coming down. a lot of my nick-nacks are already at the new place. most of my clothes are there (which made me realize how badly i need to go through them and throw/give away the ones that i don't wear anymore).

lastly, (but not the least) today Andrew and i have been engaged for 3 months. :) yay! I love my Andrew. :)
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