May 26, 2007 20:01
You know, I knew full well this would happen eventually. I thought I was prepared. Thirty seconds is a pretty long time to be sheep-ed. Besides, these things need to be altered every now and again for balance. I guess it just hit a bit too close to home. I even promised myself I wouldn't get upset. It's not that easy. Evidently, Blizzard hates Mages. That's right. The Polymorph Spell? That last patch cut down the thirty second Polymorph to an eight second quickie. What good does that do for me? Lynkmatic can't crowd control an bunch of elites if he has to use his little gnomish fingers to cast Polymorph every eight seconds! Come on Blizzard! Go fuck with the Paladins or something! Oh well. My account expired a few days ago. I won't be showing my face in Azeroth for quite some time. They of course made up for it by announcing (finally) a confirmed Starcraft 2. Unfortunately, I've got the MMO virus, and Guild Wars can't be anything more than temporary relief. I'm considered Eve-online, or maybe I'll wait for Vanguard. Any suggestions?