September Progress and Goals

Sep 03, 2008 13:48

I'm a bit late to this; it's the first day I've really had available for anything personal...

August saw a flurry of quick-knit projects that used up a few odds and ends from the stash. I made a neckwarmer and headband set for my sister using yarn left over from the wedding afghan I made for my husband's co-worker last summer. And I made myself a bulky-weight shrug using up yarn left from the cabled hoodie I made for myself last autumn.

I also finished my Midnight Swallowtail Shawl, and I'm very pleased with the way it turned out. The Mexican Wave yarn is just so fascinating in its unexpected colour shifts, and the slight sheen of the Bernat Satins is a perfect counterpoint. Upon consultation with my knitting friends this morning, the decision not to block out the points is agreed to be a Good Idea, so I'll declare this one a success.

On the needles for September, I'm continuing work on Danger Boy's Fireball Hoodie, with an eye to having it done by the end of the month. I'm just over half way up the front, and my goal is to get to the armhole shaping by the end of today. Then I have to rechart a bit, as I'm unsatisfied with the fireball itself. Darned my perfectionist edge...

I'm 21 inches up the 100 inches needed for Mouse's blanket. Slow slogging, that one; I'm hoping tomorrow I'll have time to slot a movie and work on the blanket for an inch or so. Seriously slow slogging. I'm starting to have doubts about getting the blanket done by Christmas this year.

I've cast on my California Diamonds shawl, in a pretty soft blue mohair blend DK. Hopefully it'll knit up as quickly as the past two shawls, which would put it done and in the mail by the end of the month as well. Sorry, no pictures of that one until it is delivered '>

I've cast on the alpaca/merino yarn my Aunt- and Uncle-in-Law gave me for Christmas. The plan is to make a loose-knit cowl with just a bit of texture to accentuate the handpainted colours. It will also hopefully be done by the end of the month.

So, one less project than usual, but an ambitious month in terms of trying to tie up a lot of projects quickly.

What's on your needles?

pictures, finished objects, knitting

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