Mixed Nuts

Feb 17, 2007 08:07

It is generally considered Not Good to wake up with both hands feeling vaguely pins-and-needles, and spikes of discomfort-to-pain at the base of the palms, right?

Yeah. I thought so. I'm seriously considering taking the birthday money my Aunt sent, and getting good night-braces. Maybe going down to Norfolk Pharmacy & Surgical Supply and having the technician help me get something decent, rather than wearing the somewhat-fitting grocery store variety.

I wonder if my brand shiney new health plan would cover this...


Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday, then we move quietly into Lent. I havn't decided yet what sort of discipline I will embrace this season. Getting to bed at a decent hour and awake on time pops into my head - some self-care that I have been neglecting. It's difficult to want to go to bed as early as I should, particularly when my eldest often stays up later. Typical teen...

VV is planning a pancake lunch on Tuesday. I'm ...stunned. I've never worked anywhere that recognized, let alone celebrated, these sorts of events. Christmas, sure. But Shrove Tuesday?

...although I am aware that most of the employees will have no idea of the significance of the day outside of mmmm, pancakes!

Pizza on Monday (it's our quarterly 50% off sale day, so we get pizza as a reward for coping with the madhouse), pancakes on Tuesday - that's two lunches I don't have to make!


I've subscribed to the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Online Dictionary. Whee, words!


I'm pretty much done with market. This is the third week I havn't gone, and I don't miss it all that much. I'm planning, today, to go and do some shopping there - I do miss the good cheese and crunchy apples, and so forth. Plus, I've got some artwork set aside there that I really should pick up. ...if it's still set aside.

I know it's all an avoidance issue around this one order I took back in December, though. I really need to contact the woman and just explain that I cannot do custom work any more. ...and I can give her back her downpayment, or she can take another piece, and then we can be done with it and I don't have guilt hanging over my head making me irritable.

I really can't do the orders any more. I don't have a great deal of time, and pushing myself is not helping my hands one whit. ...and that, not the matter of waking early on Saturdays, is the crux of the matter.

I hate confrontation - I am dreading calling her. Meh.


I have a (not so) small boy on my lap now, so I guess my quiet time at the computer is over. Cheers, my dears - have a lovely Saturday.

work, all about me, health

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