(no subject)

Apr 08, 2004 15:35

All right - this is fair warning right here at the top. I'm going to rant and rant big so anyone faint of heart or easily offended by other people's opinions - better quit reading now.

I'm sick to death of what seems like a Euro attitide that Americans are dull, stupid, irresponsible, etc. I receive in my mail today one of those cute little quizzes the point of which is to assess American intelligence vs. that of the rest of the world. I went to the site and took the quiz for which I was deemed a smarter than average American. It irritated the life out of me. Yeah - a lot of Americans ARE stupid but it's not because they are Americans, we certainly have no monopoly on stupidity.

For a such a stupid group of people we are certainly amazingly lucky. Imagine having the utter idiocy to have one of the lowest tax rates in the civilized world. Yeah, we don't have free health care - but I find it intriguing that people from countries who HAVE the free health care prefer to come here for it anyway because they think it's better than what they have available for free at home (and yeah, I know them personally - having a child with a pretty serious lifelong condition has tossed me right into the realm of knowing a lot of people in the same boat).

For such a group of stupid people - we have a military force that, as far as I know, is the most elite on the planet. Yet this military might has not been used to take over the world. Apparently we can do a few things well.

I live in a fairly culturally diverse area. We have many many people here from all over the world. We have a mosque with a large Islamic following and there are communities of nearly every world religion I can think of. There are citizens here from (just to list the ones I know personally) Egypt, Ethiopia, Germany, China, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Thailand, Lebonon, Syria and Mexico. I think I'm probably leaving a few out. Many of these people are here because of our University (funny how they came to the Stupid country to be taught by Stupid Americans because they felt it was the best education available to them). Many are also here because if they work hard, they can succeed financially without being taxed to death. I think one of them said "America has many more opportunities". Oh and one other thing - all this cultural diversity here in one area and we haven't had any "racially motivitated" hate crimes. Our Christian people seem to be able to live next door with our Muslim population without tossing anything violent over the fence at their neighbors. In fact - some of them are.....*hold your breath*....FRIENDS *gasp*

I begin to believe more and more that many of these America bashers just hate Americans period. It wouldn't matter what we did or what political game we played or didn't play - they'd hate us anyway. I'm just heartily sick of the self rightous attitude from what seems to be the overwhelming majority of them.

Finally - a disclaimer - I wrote this when extremely angry and so I may have inadvertently mispelled some words. I'm also an engineer by trade (this stupid american has a patent on a handy little item that is used world wide on electric power lines) and grammar is not my strong point. So if there are some mispelled words in here or some grammatical errors, you can all live with it :)

/end rant
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