Insight to the minds of LeMoyne college kids...

Aug 24, 2004 00:09

Lyndzor: being white's fun:-P
InMyOwnWorld750: we have an excuss for poor danceing and bad rapping
Lyndzor: yea!
Lyndzor: i can't dance...and you know why?
InMyOwnWorld750: why?!
Lyndzor: CAUSE I'M WHITE!!!
InMyOwnWorld750: hahaha
InMyOwnWorld750: it works!
Lyndzor: HEY!
Lyndzor: that can be an excuse for EVERYTHING
Lyndzor: i can't cook. why? cause i'm white
Lyndzor: I can't sleep. why? because I'm white
InMyOwnWorld750: i guess the real reason for affermative action is becasue of the lack of excuses
Lyndzor: i think so too!
InMyOwnWorld750: i cant go to college. why? becsaue im white
InMyOwnWorld750: i cant pay for college. why? becsaue im white
Lyndzor: I forgot my homework. why? because I'm white
InMyOwnWorld750: haha, teachers would like that one
Lyndzor: i'd take it!;-)
InMyOwnWorld750: haha
InMyOwnWorld750: we should when we become teachers
Lyndzor: if a kindergartener said that to me, i think i'd cry
InMyOwnWorld750: me too, oh man
Lyndzor: i'd be ok...ummmmm bring it in tomorrow?
InMyOwnWorld750: 'i cant, im white'
Lyndzor: haha
Lyndzor: ok...never mind then
Lyndzor: :-P
InMyOwnWorld750: that would be great
InMyOwnWorld750: why didnt you study? im white
Lyndzor: i can't take the test. i'm white
InMyOwnWorld750: i cant come to class, im white
Lyndzor: pass me. i'm white
InMyOwnWorld750: give me my money back, im white
Lyndzor: let me go to college for free. i'm white
InMyOwnWorld750: make me a millionaire, im white
Lyndzor: give me orlando bloom. i'm white
InMyOwnWorld750: give me orlando bloom AND johnny depp, im white
Lyndzor: make gay men straight. i'm white
InMyOwnWorld750: mmm...straight gay men
Lyndzor: now thats a happy thought
InMyOwnWorld750: make boys not dumb, im white

and it just went downhill from there. This year is going to be interesting ;oD
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