fetivus for the rest uv us :)

Dec 23, 2005 13:18

So the holiday season is here and im back in brantford for the time being. My flight back from the island was tretcherous....i think i've had the stomach flu earlier this week so basically flying home all congested and stuff (with the altitude changes in the air) was pretty rough...huge headaches and dripping nostrils and eyes oddly enough...but, enough of the gross talk!
im trying to figure out who is also going to be in Toronto this week. Everyone keeps saying that they're going to be around for new years but i dont really feel as though i will be able to accomodate that at the present time!
and basically i think im going to van with dan....either that or going to salt spring with eliza and the boys. have to keep in touch with the posse
Its a nice change to come home for a bit..and hopefully ill get a chance to run into some old faces... :)
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