"Miss Lindsay, yesterday the doctor pulled some orange stuff out of my ear and it hurt"

Mar 18, 2008 14:24

That's how one of my kids told me that he had earwax in his ear yesterday when we sent him home sick.

Yesterday I had what is probably the most difficult exam of my life. It was for my research methods class, a class that is very heavy on statistics. Statistics is not a strong point for me, hence my choice of a masters program in social scieneces. Our professor gave us a practice exam ahead of time, and she helped Amber and I complete the practice exam over the weekend. The midterm was open book/note/everything except for the internet. So yesterday we had the test and I had notes up the yin-yang (I saved the practice test with my notes) but the test was still soooo hard. None of us were able to finish it in the allotted 2.5 hours.

After the test, we all decided that we needed a drink (or eight), so I went out with a couple people in my class. We were going to go to 4Ps in Cleveland Park, but a $10 cover on a Monday night's a little ridiculous...even if it is St. Patrick's day. So we decided on Alero's, this Mexican restaurant since, hey, margaritas are green. Anyway, I ended up having 2 glasses of sangria and I was pretty tipsy. I got home not too late, close to 11:30 but much later than I am generally asleep. When I checked my email last night, I got the following message from my professor:

Lindsay, apart from the answers you did not do, you did almost perfect! I am really proud of your accomplishments!

So I gues I'm smarter than i thought. Or just a really good studier.

Tonight I'm doing my first interview for my independent study on botched executions. I'll be speaking with my former Corrections in America/Domestic Violence professor. He used to work on Utah's death row making $6/hr removing the bodies from the lethal injection table after the execution. I'm sure he'll have lots to say on the topic, and I'm oddly very excited.

1.) What is the most difficult part of the process (logistically)?
2.) What sort of training do the team members have?
3.) Could you tell me how you document the process for executions?
4.) Are the team members held accountable in case of a mishap? If so, how?
5.) Do you believe that every method results in a humane and dignified death?
6.) What precautions, if any, are taken to prevent mishaps?
7.) Are there any changes that could be made so that the execution is more humane? Do you believe that our current methods of execution are humane?
8.) Why do states use lethal injection as their primary method when it seems to be under such scrutiny currently?

social stuff, exams, grad school, grades, alcohol

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