Me: I can't believe I didn't know all this existed!
indieous: That's because you're not a homo.
:sigh: It was so nice to get back at 8 p.m. with nothing to do (except laundry) for the rest of the night. Especially since I was so tired today from last night.
After class and babysitting for Rosie and Robin all day yesterday,
indieous and I decided to go get dinner. Since it was senior ORGY night at Clyde's last night, I invited Matt along with us. So my night, post-babysitting involved:
-Dinner in Chinatown, and making up a list of possible names for our kids (I like the name Squiggy for a girl)
-Discovering the gay area of Dupont Circle. Nope, I definitely hadn't been to 17th and P before.
-Cab ride to the ghetto with the world's most talkative cab driver ever.
-Walking from Moo's house to the New York Ave metro, and being the one who would have to fight off any bad guys
-Getting to a very crowded, very overwhelming Clyde's and wanting to leave the second after walking in the door. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate AU kids?
-Getting wayyy drunk off of very little. Shit.
-Robby hitting on Matt for a while (I'M SO SORRY FOR OUTING YOU TO HIM, I WAS DRUNK, OK?)
-Bussing back after not long, but definitely long enough, passing out, and being verrrrry tired all day today. And I have to be up at 7:30 tomorrow for the LSAT diagnostic, work 1:30 until 5ish at Fort Dupont, and then babysitting for Ro and Robin as soon as I get back. I love life!Completely unrelated: Rosie's favourite thing to tell me is "I don't love you". And of course she says it when we're sitting together on the couch, reading stories, or goofing off or otherwise having a lot of fun. I'm not sure exactly what it means, but I think it's something in between "I like you" and "I love you". It's cute. I tell her "I don't love you either!"