or: Doctor Who is back and I´m loving it
That was the best season-opening possible - I watched it four times now and I´m still as enthusiastic about it as can be.
It´s not that it didn´t take it´s time to get going - but that was mostly nescesary.
It´s not that there weren´t any questions left unanwered - quite the opposite, and I suppose it´ll take the whole season to answer all of them.
It´s not that the unexpected death was that unexpected. It was the only obvious choice, really, what with Amy and Rory having had their share of dying last season (expecially poor Rory, so close to become the show´s Kenny) and River not even being close to the Library at the moment.
So, the Doctor is dead. Long live the Doctor!
(And please, try not to send in the Clones while solving this mess. I know you can do better that that, Mr. Moffat)
What I easily could have done without was the whole Doctor-trying-to-get-attention thingie at the beginning. Played for laughs, but except for the Laurel&Hardy bit it didn´t really work for me. Matt is good at playing for laughs, no doubt, I can stand him clowing around better than Tennant doing the same most of the time, but Eleven grabs me most when he´s serious. That trust-issue scene from "Because we´re not going there" to "My life in your hands" was just tremendous. Beautifully played by all four protagonists, but Mr. Smith really stands out here. I suppose we´re going to see more meacing!Doctor later this season, and I´m really looking foreward to it.
And I loved the whole interacting, the chemistry between both the characters *and* their actors is wonderful.
Amy I can finally get used to, now she seems more grounded and stable. The Girl Who Doesn´t Make Sense starts making sense to me. It´s not that all the poutyness is gone, and I wouldn´t expect her not to be brash now and then, but she´s best when she´s toned down.
Good old Rory finally being a character and not just "the boyfriend". I like him for his slightly boring ways, he adds a touch of normality to Team TARDIS. And Arthur Darvill is finally in the titles now (yes, I know, he also was in the Crimbo special), so welcome aboard as a full-time companion!
River I always loved, and seeing her be more than the sum of her tag-lines is always a good thing. I thought they were close to overdoing it last season, which would have made her annoying, but here it was fine. When she went "Spoilers!" trying to play normal while it visiblay pained her was just one of many wonderful River moments. The scene with Rory in the tunnels, too. Finally we see a different, vulnerable side to her. Nothing againts fun-loving adrenalin junkie!River, but it´s the strength and sadness she accepts her inevitable fate with that makes her a brave woman indeed. I hope Alex Kingston stays around to play the character as long as possible.
And...Canton. Can we please keep Canton? He´ll probably be off again at the end of next episode, but the TARDIS could do with a laid-back, clever, seen-it-all (except time-and-space-travel, obviously) ex-FBI man for a change. I´m really in love with Mark Sheppard and I´m really in love with the fact that it takes him no more than an amused glance and a cock of the head to turn a rather standard character type into someone feeling so real. A nice nod that they cast Morgan Sheppard as old!Canton. His few short scenes at the beginning were moving enough.
(aaaaand, yes I know it most likely wasn´t meant that way, but could Canton´s remark about his wish to get married being illegal be the Return of the Gay Agenda????)
What else?
Oh, ya, the Silence. Delightfully disgusting looking buggers and one of the things left mostly unanswered until next episode.
Funny dialouge being funny, and too many good things at that to quote.
The Doctor and River finally in mutual flirt-mode and loving it.
And, of course, the astronaut girl. Whoever she is, please don´t let her turn out to be such rubbish as young Amy/young River/young River as Amy and Rory´s child/young River as Amy and the Doctor´s child/River and the Doctor´s child. Honestly, I´d rather have her be the frakkin´ Rani than anything like that.
And what I´d really love to know: who´s Jim the Fish?