What do you see when you look out the window?
LOL, I have blackout curtains closed right now.
What is your favourite song from childhood?
Money by Pink Floyd. Randomly this came up in a meeting at work today.
Which is your favourite fairy tale?
Red Riding Hood
Do you follow sports? If so, which team/sport?
Not really, though I sometimes watch hockey.
Do you consider yourself/do others consider you a geek?
I consider myself a geek, sure. Most of the time other geeks do not consider me as such, to my endless frustration. I am constantly having to out-geek them to prove my creds.
Which character from your fandom would you throw out the door?
Harry Potter
Which character(s) from your fandom is your personality closest to ?
I have no idea. Suggestions?
Which character from your fandom is the utmost boring type?
Do you mod or co-mod any communities?
Ugh, well, taking this definition loosely, I'm not sure I could name them all. Short answer: yes.
Do you consider memes an insult to your intelligence?
No, because I enjoy a really clever meme.
What time did you eat your last meal?
"Meal"? My dinner has consisted of snacking all night.
What do your prefer in a person: depth of emotion or depth of reason?
So, instinctively I want to say reason, but I'm coming to realize that's not as appealing to me as it seems.
When you put out trash do you put it in a small bin or a big skip?
I'm going to have ask what the hell a big skip is tomorrow at work. I'll get back to you.
Where do you consider yourself at home? Why?
I think I'm starting to recognize this apartment as mostly home.
Are you easy to get to know or are you an acquired taste?
Probably the latter, re: surprisingly geeky.
Which word do you like more- ingenious or popular? Why?
Ingenious. I've never really been a fan of unvoiced bilabials.
Do you have a bath, shower or both?
Technically I only have a shower, but there is a bathtub in this apartment. My roommate has been ranting all evening as she cleaned the bathroom because the other roommate that also shares that is apparently gross.
What is your favourite piece of technology?
Integrated circuits.
When is the last time you split your side laughing, and what was it about?
Earlier at work today. I honestly can't remember why, though, and I even if I did I probably couldn't say. I see a lot of WTFery at work.
If you could have one item from your fandom, what would it be? Why?
Hang-Over Potion. Even though it's completely made up fandom convention that I hate with a burning passion, it would still be dead useful.