Jan 07, 2008 23:36
i like to go places.
thursday i am going to colorado. because i can.
what else is new...
target is shooing me towards a management position. how often is it that your bosses plot to put you in charge behind your back? not often. i am nervous and pleased simultaneously. trying to tell myself i can/want to do this, it's a great opportunity.
meanwhile i am no longer working at chop suey. at least not consistently. The new booking agent, who would have preferred I not get booted out of my internship, left me with cryptic words on my last day in the office on friday.
"think things will be getting re-evaluated in the next few months... would be nice if you still had your foot in the door here..."
wtf, pete.
i wish the music stuff i went to school for wasn't as much of a gamble as it is. i am stuck between financial security with target and doing what i went to school for/want to do and possibly not making any money at all. money is a strong motivator when one finds themselves with loan payments, impending rent payments, credit cards, etc. yes.
in other news, boy finally has his own place. i'm so freaking excited. he, his roommate, and i went on a shopping spree today. one 42" flat-screen HDTV and a bunch of assorted housewares later... can i tell you how psyched i am to find a way to rig my laptop up to that TV and play WoW? psyched. that, and guitar hero. on a 42" tv. so. awesome.
this is a busy work week. i am rolling five 8-hour days in a row, and then driving for 20 hours. i'm nervous to visit the boy's old stomping grounds with him, is that weird? i feel like it's weird.
sigh. sleep now. must accumulate sleep.