my update full of about nothing.

May 03, 2004 19:34

well i haven't updated in a while.

cause theres nothing really to update about.

this weekend was kinda gay. on friday i just stayed home cause it was rainy and gloomy and ac had to work and there was nothing to do anyways.

and then on saturday me and mandy went to my aunts wedding reception thing at the mariott. and we were downstairs with a buncha my cousins and her friends smoking a cig and i lit one up and one of my aunts walked up. whoo... lyndsey got in trouble. so my mom found out and i got bitched out a whole bunch and then when we got back me and mandy went to her house and hung out for a while and waited for ac to get off work, and then waited some more till he got home.. so around like 1 or so i went over there and hung out for a little bit then we passed out.

on sunday i just came home and got bitched at for the ciggarette thing some more. whoopty doo.

and then tommorrow i gotta stay at the highschool after school for the insurance company to take pictures of the wreck and stuff... fun.

there you are andrew. have fun readin.

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