Jan 21, 2011 10:11
I love my bed. Especially my duvet. It is so soft and warm I can sleep in pj shorts and t-shirt. I don't think I've ever had such a soft and warm duvet until I moved here. I grew up with sheets and blankets. It just feels like a lovely cocoon and makes for a better start to the day. And a good end. I think I now need a great duvet for the rest of my life.
So I've been quite happy lately. And yesterday I applied for jobs. Today I'll apply for more. Would be nice if one actually worked out...but I can't know until I apply. It also helps to receive touch everyday. I think touch helps health. Sometimes people say they are not a physical/touchy person but then they have a boyfriend/husband and maybe kids and touch them a lot. Well, maybe they didn't touch people so much when they were single without kids but they seem to like touch now. And people can get used to not having touch but I realize when I have good touch I feel more peaceful more easily for sure. Actually, last year I also felt like I didn't have a great need for touch but I had a boyfriend.
Last night was the couch surfing meeting. It was alright.