Rained Out

May 29, 2005 17:21

Rained Out

It's been, hmm…. over 5 months since my last post.

There have been lots of Fun and Good things (many both at once) from pet-sitting friends beagles to sf convention last week and a wedding today. If I can do a write-up that I enjoy reading I'll document -- not the entire half-year, but some representative samplings.

Much of the last several months felt soggily under a dark cloud. Some was literally -- has several hundred percent more rain this year than last year. Some was various tensions and apprehensions.

I did learn that I should get more full spectrum vitalights before next rainy season.

Weather cleared. Working again (as a temp but with probably most of both feet in the door) at a 151-year old nonprofit. Getting more physical and emotional daylight.

Hope very soon … to be continued

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