(no subject)

Nov 25, 2005 23:08

yes i am bored outta my mind.
tiger the cat is the only one willing to chill.
so that leaves me here.
today was quite an event.
dam crazy ass shoppers.
bennigans was crazy ass busy at 10 am
made really good dough though.
which is much needed.
since there is a wedding happening.
in less than 1 year.
happy thanksgiving!
i ate tons of good food.
Met pretty much all of johns family.
really nice people.
very welcoming i must say.

today we got our invitations.
we also got warm fun flannel sheets.
since its all a blizzard outside.
tomorrow......nothing planned.
its a day off.
nothing will probably happen. just the norm.
sitting around...cleaning...washing clothes.
and so on.

i hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.
muchos love to everyone.

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